Thirty Years In Hell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Thirty Years In Hell.

Thirty Years In Hell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Thirty Years In Hell.

Italy, the home of the Pope, has begun to wince under the Vatican’s rule, as her national back is getting raw by the saddle of this diabolical creed.  The inhabitants of Italy have been for the past few years protesting against the high-handedness of Catholicism, and the officials have begun to take notice of this vulture of humanity, and my predictions are that within a very short time Italy will do as France has done and close up the monasteries and convents, for just as long as these institutions are allowed to keep open house, and dictate to the inhabitants of Italy, just that long we may expect the immigrants who come over from Italy to bear the Vatican’s mark of vice, immorality and criminality.

Go to Ellis Island and watch the immigrant ships from Catholic nations as they vomit forth their load of human carrion upon the fair shores of this country, and your heart will become sick with fear, as this class that hails from the nations of popery are a class, as a whole, that will disgrace and ruin any nation on earth, as these immigrants are men and women who have no conception of a free country, as they are men and women who have never been taught to look above the horizon of Catholicism; therefore they land upon the shores of America as criminals and not as citizens, and you cannot make pure American citizens out of them until you boil this hellish creed from their system by the fire of patriotism, and this cannot be done as long as this country permits Catholicism to run her mills of degeneracy unmolested upon our shores.

All of our large cities are infested more or less with this “scarlet-robed hag of hell,” and more especially our eastern cities, as this foreign herd of the Pope’s followers land in eastern ports and spread themselves out like a blanket, reeking with a moral stench over the eastern borders of this country, and they make a specialty of settling in our eastern cities.

We will take Boston, Mass., for instance, as there is but very little difference in the “rabble” of that city and the immoral degenerate class that infests the densely populated centers of Catholic countries.

Several notorious cases of open defiance of civil law and violation of civil rights by the tools of popery have recently occurred in Boston.  One of these is the escape of two girls from the so-called “House of the Good Shepherd,” in Roxbury, and the re-capture of these girls by a policeman.

Now, bear in mind that this “House of the Good Shepherd” is a Catholic institution, pure and simple, but these girls who escaped from this “plague house,” were arrested by the police and returned to this Catholic dungeon without the semblance of law.

Project Gutenberg
Thirty Years In Hell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.