Thirty Years In Hell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Thirty Years In Hell.

Thirty Years In Hell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Thirty Years In Hell.

I have in my weak manner endeavored to try to warn our American fathers and mothers of the great danger of the “confession,” as the confessional is the stepping stone that leads to Romish abominations, as it is there that the seed of immoral thought is planted and it is there that the purity of girlhood is first tarnished, and if I can arouse Protestant mothers and fathers of this land to these awful sinks of iniquity I will consider that I have been instrumental in helping to obliterate one of the greatest evils known to the human family.

I have endeavored to point out to Protestant America the awful mistake made by the United States in permitting Roman Catholicism to continue her debauchery in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands, as I declare to the reader with eyes wet with grief that not only the flower of our army is being sacrificed in these far away islands, but that millions of dollars are being spent upon these islands and that Roman Catholicism is being benefited by this great expenditure of Protestant money, as the Pope of Rome is as powerful in these islands to-day as he ever was, and every intelligent Protestant in this land who has made this subject a study knows full well that had it not been for Roman Catholicism and her outrages, that the Spanish-American war would never have been fought.

I have earnestly tried to make the reader understand that the monasteries in this country are often the abodes of criminals, and the nunneries of this land are the slaughter pens of virtue, and I trust that my readers will read it in the spirit that I have written it, and if such is the case I know that this little book will be instrumental in not only opening the eyes of drowsy Protestantism, but it will be instrumental in turning thousands of Roman Catholics from the error of their ways and pointing them to “the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world.”

I have endeavored to demonstrate to the reader that celibacy upon the part of the priestcraft is one of the most damnable crimes known to civilization, as it is the unmarried cussedness of the Roman Catholic priests that is instrumental in the slaughter of virtue.

I have endeavored to prove to the reader that the Roman Catholic Church is a living infamous insult to an all-wise God, by claiming that the Pope of Rome is an infallible being, and I believe that if the reader has read my book with a determination of discarding that which is bad and holding to that which is good, that he or she will close this book with an enlightened conception of this devilish creed which would have its followers believe that the Pope of Rome is on an equality with Jesus Christ.

I have endeavored to lead the reader from clime to clime, so that he or she might behold the characters of the followers of Rome, and by comparison I have endeavored to convince the reader that the characters of the followers of Roman Catholicism are not nor never can be on a par with the character of Protestantism, as Roman Catholicism follows the teachings of paganism, born in the kennel of filthiness and surrounded and led by a class of men who glut their lust upon the virtue of their “dupes,” while Protestantism is led by the lowly Nazarine, whose teachings have made Protestant America all that she is to-day or ever will be.

Project Gutenberg
Thirty Years In Hell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.