A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females eBook

Harvey Newcomb
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females.

A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females eBook

Harvey Newcomb
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females.

Have I watched over my heart continually, against the temptations of Satan?  Have I indulged wandering thoughts, during any of the devotional exercises of the closet?  Have I watched over my fancy, and kept under my imagination? or have I suffered it to wander without control?

Have I exercised a proper control over all my appetites, desires, and passions?  Have I used all diligence to improve my mind, that I might be capable of doing more for the glory of God, and the good of my fellow-creatures?  Have I sought the aid of the Holy Spirit in this, also?  Have I felt continually that my time is not my own?  Have I employed every moment of the past day in the most profitable manner?  Have I felt the pressure of present obligation?

Have I neglected any opportunity of doing good, either to the souls or bodies of others?  Have I been modest, unobtrusive, and courteous, in all I have done and said?  Have I been prudent and discreet in all things?  Have I first sought the direction of God, and then entered upon these duties in a spirit of prayer?

Have I glorified God in my dress?  Have I been influenced, in this respect, by the pride of appearance?  Have I wasted any time at the toilet?

Have I felt any emotions of love for Christians?  Has this love arisen from the image of Christ manifest in them; or from their friendship for me, and the comfort I have enjoyed in their society?  Have I refused to make personal sacrifices for their benefit?  Have I felt any love for the souls of sinners?  What has this led me to do for their conversion?  Have I exercised any feelings of compassion for the needy?  What has this led me to do for them?

Have I manifested a morose, sour, and jealous disposition towards others?  Have I been easily provoked?  Have I been irritated with the slightest offences or crosses of my will?  Have I indulged an angry, fretful, peevish temper?  Have I spoken evil of any, or listened with complacency to evil-speaking?  Do I now harbor ill-will towards any being on earth?  In all my intercourse with others, have I manifested a softness and mildness of manner, and a kind and tender tone of feeling?  Or have I indulged in harshness and severity, pride and arrogance?  Have I exercised forbearance towards the faults of others?  Have I from my heart forgiven them?  Have I esteemed myself better than others?  Have I felt the secret workings of spiritual pride?  Have I engaged in trifling and vain conversation, or in any other manner conformed to the spirit of the world?  Have I maintained Christian sincerity in all things?  When in company, have I improved every opportunity of giving a profitable direction to conversation?  Have I improved every opportunity to warn impenitent sinners?  Have I gone into company, without first visiting my closet?  Have I been diligent and faithful in the business of the day?  Have I done the same to others as I would wish them to do to me?

Project Gutenberg
A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.