A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females eBook

Harvey Newcomb
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females.

A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females eBook

Harvey Newcomb
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females.

But, in consequence of the fall, another most interesting relation has been established.  Out of this apostate world, God has chosen himself a family.  Of this family, Christ is the head, and his people are the members.  Here are the same relations as in the natural family; but they are different in their nature.  They are spiritual, and, of course, of higher obligation.  We are required to love Christ more than father or mother.  And the Lord Jesus says with emphasis, “This is my commandment, that ye love one another.”  I have no doubt that, when grace is in full exercise in the heart, the brotherly love which Christians exercise towards one another is far stronger than the natural affection which exists between brothers and sisters of the same family.

From this general view of the social relations, we may gather the following rules of conduct: 

1.  Endeavor to render to all the members of the family in which you reside just that degree of deference and respect which belongs to them.  Conscientiously regard the rules and regulations introduced by the head of the family, unless they are contrary to the word of God.  In such case you should leave the family; because your relative duties would interfere with your duty to God.[M] Remember, it is in the domestic circle where your character is to be formed.  It is here that your disposition is to be tried, and your piety cultivated.  Endeavor, then, to maintain, in your family intercourse, the same dignity and propriety of deportment which you wish to sustain in society.  Never descend to anything at the fireside which you would despise in a more extended circle.  Bring the most minute actions of your daily life to the test of Christian principle.  Remember that, in the sight of God, there are no little sins.  The least transgression is sufficient to condemn the soul forever.  “He that offendeth in one point is guilty of all.”  Especially avoid the indulgence of a selfish disposition.  It is both unamiable and unchristian.  Be always ready to sacrifice your own feelings, when by so doing you can give pleasure to others.  Study the wishes and feelings of others, and prefer them to your own.  Manifest a disinterestedness of feeling.  Strive to be helpful to others, even at the expense of personal feeling and interest.  “Look not every man on his own things, but every man on the things of others.”  “Charity seeketh not her own.”  Be kind to all; respectful towards superiors, courteous to equals, and condescending to inferiors.  Be particularly careful not to trample upon the feelings of servants.  Nothing can be more unamiable.  If you cultivate these dispositions and principles of action habitually, in the domestic circle, they will become so natural and easy as to flow out spontaneously in every circle in which you move.  And this will call forth the love and esteem of all your acquaintance.  It will bring honor upon your profession, increase your influence, and thereby enable you to do more for the glory of God.

Project Gutenberg
A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.