Manual of Surgery eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 697 pages of information about Manual of Surgery.

Manual of Surgery eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 697 pages of information about Manual of Surgery.
    hypertrophy of, 435
    lipoma of, 491
    lipping of, 527
    malacia of, 473
    marrow, function of, 434
    myeloma of, 491
    myxoma of, 491
    necrosis of, 438
    neuropathic atrophy of, 479
    osteoma of, 481
    osteomalacia of, 473
    osteomyelitis of, 65, 437, 438, 451, 453, 473
      fibrosa, 476
    osteoporosis of, 437
    osteopsathyrosis, 479
    ostitis deformans, 474
    Paget’s disease of, 474
    periosteum, function of, 435
    periostitis, 437
    pulsating haematoma of, 498
    pyogenic diseases of, 438
    regeneration of, 436
    rickety affections of, 468
    sarcoma of, 492
    sclerosis of, 435
    scurvy affecting, 473
    secondary tumours of, 499
    surgical anatomy of, 434
    staphylococcal diseases of, 438
    syphilitic diseases of, 461, 465
    transplantation of, 436
    tuberculous diseases of, 454
    tumours of, 480
      malignant, 492, 499
      metastatic, 499
      thyreoid, 500
    typhoid, infection of, 452
    X-ray appearances in diseases of, 445, 455, 485, 491, 496

  Bovine tuberculosis, 136

  Brachial aneurysm, 318
    artery, embolus of, 93
      compression of, 269
    birth-paralysis, 362
    fibrositis, 413
    neuralgia, 371
    plexus, lesions of, 360

  Brain, joint affections in lesions of, 537
    syphilitic lesions of, 161

  Branchial dermoids, 211

  Brasdor’s operation for aneurysm, 308

  Brodie’s abscess, 448

  Bruises, 218

  Bubo, 329
    bullet, 153
    of soft sores, 155

  Bullet bubo, 153

  Bullets, embedded, 231
    varieties of, 230

  Burnol, 238

  Burns, 233
    classification, of, 234
    electrical, 239
    pathology of, 233
    by X-rays, 239

  Bursae. See also Individual Bursae
    adventitious, 426
    affections of, 426
      individual, 428
    diseases of, 426, 428
    haematoma of, 426
    hydrops of, 427
    hygroma of, 423
    inflammation of, 426
    injuries of, 426
    loose bodies in, 427
    syphilis of, 428
    tuberculosis of, 428
    tumours of, 427, 428

  Cachexia, cancerous, 207

  Calcanean bursa, 432

  Calcification in arteries, 282
    in muscles, 416
    in tuberculosis, 136

  Callosities, 376

  Callous ulcers, 79, 84

  Cancer, 202
    arsenic, 395
    of bone, 499
    cachexia in, 207
    chimney-sweep’s, 395
    colloid, 210
    columnar epithelial, 209
    contagiousness of, 205
    cystic, 210
    definition of, 202
    degeneration of, 205
    encephaloid, 210
    en cuirasse, 204
    glandular, 210

Project Gutenberg
Manual of Surgery from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.