Franco-Gallia eBook

François Hotman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Franco-Gallia.

Franco-Gallia eBook

François Hotman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Franco-Gallia.

We are to understand, there were three kinds of Servitude, or Slavery.  First, To have a Garison of Soldiers imposed upon them, to keep them in Awe; yet such Provinces as seemed peaceable and quiet, had no great Armies maintained in them.  For Josephus writes in his 2d Book of the Hist. of the Jews, “That in the Emperor Titus’s time, the Romans had but 1200 Soldiers in Garison in all Gaul, altho’” (says he) “they had fought with the Romans for their Liberty, almost 800 Years, and had near as many Cities, as the Romans had Garison-Soldiers.”  A Second Sort of Servitude was, when any Province was made Tributary, and compelled to pay Taxes; and to that End were forced to endure a Number of Tax-gatherers, that is, Harpies and Leeches, which suck’d out the very Blood of the Provincials. Eutropius tells us, in his 6th Book, That Caesar, as soon as he had subdued Gaul, impos’d a Tax upon it, by the Name of a Tribute, which amounted to H.  S. Quadringenties: which is about a Million of our Crowns.  A Third Sort of Servitude was, when the Provinces were not permitted to be govern’d by their own Laws; but had Magistrates and Judges, with full Power and Authority (cum imperio & securibus) over Life and Estate, sent them by the People of Rome.  This Threefold Slavery not only our Gallia, but all the other Provinces, took most bitterly to heart; and therefore in Tiberius’s Reign, not long after Caesar’s Conquest, Tacitus tells us, That the Cities of Gaul rebell’d, because of the Continuance of Taxes, the Extortions of Usurers, and Insolence of the Soldiery.  And afterwards in Nero’s Reign, Suetonius writes, “That the Gauls being weary of his Tyranny, revolted.  The World” (says he) “having for near 13 Years, endured such a Sort of Prince, at last shook him off:  The Gauls beginning the Defection.”  Now all Gallia was divided by the Romans into 16 Provinces, viz.  Viennensis, Narbonensis prima, Narbonensis secunda, Aquitania prima, Aquitania secunda, Novempopulana, Alpes maritimae, Belgica prima, Belgica secunda, Germania prima, Germania secunda, Lugdunensis prima, Lugdunensis secunda, Lugdunensis tertia, Maxima Sequanorum, & Alpes Graecas, as Antoninus in his Itinerary, and Sextus Rufus, give an Account of them.  But Ammianus Marcellinus treats of them more particularly.

But to return to what we were speaking of:  ’Tis not to be imagined how grievously, and with what Indignation the Gauls bore the Indecencies and Plunderings of the Romans; nor how frequently they revolted upon that Account and because they were not strong enough of themselves to shake off the Roman Tyranny, ’twas common Custom with them, to hire German Auxiliaries.  These were the first beginnings of the Colonies of the Franks; For

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Franco-Gallia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.