Minor Poems of Michael Drayton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Minor Poems of Michael Drayton.

Minor Poems of Michael Drayton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Minor Poems of Michael Drayton.
    Himselfe that so behaued
    In some strong Seedge by th’ Enemy,
    A City that hath saued. 
    A Wreath of Vervaine Herhauts weare,
    Amongst our Garlands named,
    Being sent that dreadfull newes to beare,
    Offensiue warre proclaimed. 
    The Signe of Peace who first displayes,
    The Oliue Wreath possesses:  70
    The Louer with the Myrtle Sprayes
    Adornes his crisped Tresses. 
    In Loue the sad forsaken wight
    The Willow Garland weareth: 
    The Funerall man befitting night,
    The balefull Cipresse beareth. 
    To Pan we dedicate the Pine,
    Whose Slips the Shepherd graceth: 
    Againe the Ivie and the Vine
    On his, swolne Bacchus placeth. 80

      Claia. The Boughes and Sprayes, of which you tell,
    By you are rightly named,
    But we with those of pretious smell
    And colours are enflamed;
    The noble Ancients to excite
    Men to doe things worth crowning,
    Not vnperformed left a Rite,
    To heighten their renowning: 
    But they that those rewards deuis’d,
    And those braue wights that wore them 90
    By these base times, though poorely priz’d,
    Yet Hermit we adore them. 
    The store of euery fruitfull Field
    We Nimphes at will possessing,
    From that variety they yeeld
    Get flowers for euery dressing: 
    Of which a Garland Ile compose,
    Then busily attend me. 
    These flowers I for that purpose chose,
    But where I misse amend me. 100

      Clarinax. Well Claia on with your intent,
    Lets see how you will weaue it,
    Which done, here for a monument
    I hope with me, you’ll leaue it.

      Claia. Here Damaske Roses, white and red,
    Out of my lap first take I,
    Which still shall runne along the thred,
    My chiefest Flower this make I: 
    Amongst these Roses in a row,
    Next place I Pinks in plenty, 110
    These double Daysyes then for show,
    And will not this be dainty. 
    The pretty Pansy then Ile tye
    Like Stones some Chaine inchasing,
    And next to them their neere Alye,
    The purple Violet placing. 
    The curious choyce, Clove Iuly-flower,
    Whose kinds hight the Carnation
    For sweetnesse of most soueraine power
    Shall helpe my Wreath to fashion. 120
    Whose sundry cullers of one kinde
    First from one Root derived,
    Them in their seuerall sutes Ile binde,
    My Garland so contriued;
    A course of Cowslips then I’ll stick,
    And here and there though sparely
    The pleasant Primrose downe

Project Gutenberg
Minor Poems of Michael Drayton from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.