A Slave Girl's Story eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about A Slave Girl's Story.

A Slave Girl's Story eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about A Slave Girl's Story.

Well, the second time I went up alone.  I say alone, I mean that my sister did not go, but the Lord did go with me that Summer, for I did not go to the house where my sister and I was for they tried to discourage us the first time.  I always mark one that is an enemy to me and shake the dust off of my feet and let the Lord do for that one what He thinks is best.

Well, for the third year I was there with the Lord and He was surely there with me.  I did not do any work on the Lord’s Day, but tried to teach them.  When they made me an offer of larger pay for the work done on the Lord’s Day, I told them that in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth and He rested on the seventh day, and I felt that if He needed rest on that day I was sure that I must have rest.  So the Sunday work was not carried on any more in that laundry.  He said that the Lord had sent me to that laundry for the bettering of all in it.  The gentleman was from Philadelphia and his name was Mr. Cheek.

So you see how the Lord preached His word through me, a feeble one of the dust, and what can not the Lord help us to do if we only trust in Him and if we strive to live for His honor and glory while on this side of Jordan?

Mrs. Purdy had one daughter, and a lovely girl in music, and her name was Kittie Purdy.  She was sought to play everywhere as she was a fine player, and everyone thinks her a very pretty girl.  Her mother is a perfect lady, for she used to be so kind to her help.  She never was late in any of her meals for the help and she always sat down with us and eat with us.  She was as jolly as any one at the table and she always called me her bird, for I was on the wing of song from the time I began my work until my work was finished, and then I would start home as happy as any one could be.  Then I would be the first to greet her in the mornings always and she used to say that I brought to her a great deal of comfort each hour and drove all of her business cares away.  I used to feel glad that I, although a working girl, could be of some love and comfort to some one, and it makes me feel glad to-day that God in His love to me and for me can own such a feeble one.

My next start was for Asbury Park to do work for Mrs. Haseltine, another lovely lady, who was a Boston lady and whom I learned to love as a mother.  I worked for her two years and was to have worked for her the third year if she had not taken sick at the time she did.  A gentleman came on from Philadelphia and she got me to work for him and I found him a fine gentleman.  I praise God for all that came to me while I was pursuing my studies, and to-day I do feel like saying,

    “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine,
    Oh! what a foretaste of glory divine;
    Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
    Born of His spirit, washed in His blood. 
    This is my story, this is my song,
    Praising my Saviour all the day long,
    This is my story, this is my song,
    Praising my Saviour all the day long.”

Project Gutenberg
A Slave Girl's Story from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.