A Slave Girl's Story eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about A Slave Girl's Story.

A Slave Girl's Story eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about A Slave Girl's Story.

This is a perfect representation of things as I can remember them, and to think how wonderful are these most beneficent streams of God’s providence to all those of our race that have prayed that their loving children might feel the warm streams of an education flowing through every child.  Tens of thousands of miles, North, South, West and East, God has thrown His mantle of love all around us, and it is that which should make us love and fear Him, who is able to destroy both soul and body; for His searching eye rests on all of the negro race, to see what use they are going to make of their time and talent, and I hope that nature will teach them that all of our talent belongs to the great God who gave us our being.

Nature awakens in our being a feeling that we must lay at His feet that we may get the blessed approval, for we are so changeable, but God is unchanging.  He is omnipotent, and all else is transition.  Yet God rules the oceans, the mountains, the valleys, and all that walks the broad earth.

Well, now I shall tell you something more of my working in the City of Brooklyn.  I lived with the Bailey family the first year, and when they went away in the summer, as all of the rich used to do, I stayed in the house for the summer and they went across the ocean and were away for some time.  The next year I did not like to stay in the house alone, so Mrs. Bailey got me a place with a nice friend of hers, and when she came home, thought that she was going to have me to come back to live with her but I stayed with her friend as there were but three in the family and the work was not hard, and it gave me more time to study, and Mrs. Stafford’s son, Willie, was so glad to have me as his pupil that I had not any trouble to get my lessons ready for him.  He went to school every day and he could not get through his head how it was that I could not go to school every day as he did.  His mother told him how it was and his eyes would fill with tears and he would ask his mother and father to let him stay at home on Sundays to read the Bible to me while I should get the dinner ready, and they would let him stay, for he wanted to see me going to the House of God on Sundays as they did and was willing to have anything to eat that I might have the opportunity of attending the church and Sunday-school.  His mother would let me go to the Sunday-school on every Sunday, for they were good people and were of the kind that delighted in their help and they were members of the Church of The Messiah, and they were a very happy family.  They did not think that anything was too good for my enjoyment and that is the reason that I stayed with them and did not go back to the lady as she wanted me to do.  I could not tell which seemed to love me most, and then her son was so willing to teach me, as Miss Abbie Bailey had, so I made up my mind that as I had more time there for study I would remain, and I had some of the best days of my life when I began to learn so fast, and he would bring me before

Project Gutenberg
A Slave Girl's Story from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.