Forgotten Books of the American Nursery eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 224 pages of information about Forgotten Books of the American Nursery.

Forgotten Books of the American Nursery eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 224 pages of information about Forgotten Books of the American Nursery.

Parents’ Gift, 38.

Parker, James, 62.

Parley, Peter. See Goodrich, S.G.

Pastoral Hymn, 74.

Patriotic and Amatory Songster, 180.

Peacock at Home, 171.

Pearl, The, 209.

Pearson, Edwin, 53, 117.

Pease, Joseph I., 196.

Pedigree and Rise of the Pretty Doll, 136-139.

Pelton, Oliver, 196.

Pennsylvania Evening Post, 93.

Pennsylvania Gazette, 59, 62.

Pennsylvania Journal, 59.

People of all Nations, 173, 174.

Peregrine Pickle, 51, 109.

Perrault, Charles, 62, 218.

Perry, Michael, 26.

Philadelphiad, The, 100.

Picture Exhibition, The, 106, 109.

Pilgrim’s Progress, 10, 36, 95, 126, 163, 167.

Pilkington, Mary, 114.

Pinckney, Eliza, 91.

Play-thing, The, 61.

Pleasures of Piety in Youth, 184.

Plutarch’s Lives, 130.

Poems for Children, 208.

Poems for Children Three Feet High, 64.

Poesie out of Mr. Dod’s Garden, 38.

Poetical Description of Song Birds, 114.

Poetry for Children, 213, 221.

Popular Tales, 155.

Poupard, James, 169.

Power of Religion, 152.

Practical Education, 128.

Practical Piety, 184.

Present for a Little Girl, 169.

Preservative from the Sins and Follies of Childhood, 40.

Pretty Book for Children, 60, 61, 67.

Principles of the Christian Religion, 184.

Pritchard, Mr., 100.

Private Tutor for little Masters and Misses, 67.

Prize for Youthful Obedience, 172, 173.

Prodigal Daughter, The, 24-26, 40, 188.

Protestant Tutor for Children, 13, 14.

Puritan Primer, 13.

Puzzling Cap, 80, 82.

QUARTERLY Review, 222.

Quincy, Mrs. Josiah, 158, 159.

RAIKES, Robert, 151.

Ralph, W., 169.

Rand, Rev. Asa, 194.

Rebels, The, 98.

Recollections of a New England Housekeeper, 195.

Redwood, 211.

Rees’s Encyclopedia, 163.

Reformed Family, 206.

Remembrance of Youth is a Sigh, 200.

Rhymes for the Nursery, 20, 182.

Rice, Mr., 100.

Richardson, Samuel, 50, 78-81, 137.

Rivington, James, 65, 67, 68.

Roberts, Jean, 197.

Robin Red Breast, 90.

Robin’s Alive, 209.

Robinson Crusoe, 79, 90, 118, 129, 130, 159.

Roderick Random, 51, 109.

Roger and Berry, 89.

Rollin’s Ancient History, 161.

Rollinson, William, 169.

Rollo Books, 213, 215, 223.

Rose, The, 187.

Rose Bud, 195.

Rose’s Breakfast, The, 175.

Rowe, Elizabeth, 162.

Project Gutenberg
Forgotten Books of the American Nursery from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.