Ben Blair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about Ben Blair.

Ben Blair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about Ben Blair.
“This is a little idyl of humble life and enduring love, laid bare before us, very real and pure, which in its telling shows us some strong points of Welsh character—­the pride, the hasty temper, the quick dying out of wrath....  We call this a well-written story, interesting alike through its romance and its glimpses into another life than ours.  A delightful and clever picture of Welsh village life.  The result is excellent.”—­Detroit Free Press.

MIFANWY.  The story of a Welsh Singer.  By Allan Raine.  Cloth, 12mo. with four illustrations by J. Watson Davis.  Price, $1.00.

“This is a love story, simple, tender and pretty as one would care to read.  The action throughout is brisk and pleasing; the characters, it is apparent at once, are as true to life as though the author had known them all personally.  Simple in all its situations, the story is worked up in that touching and quaint strain which never grows wearisome, no matter how often the lights and shadows of love are introduced.  It rings true, and does not tax the imagination.”—­Boston Herald.

DARNLEY.  A Romance of the times of Henry VIII. and Cardinal Wolsey.  By G.P.R.  James.  Cloth, 12mo. with four illustrations by J. Watson Davis.  Price, $1.00.

As a historical romance “Darnley” is a book that can be taken up pleasurably again and again, for there is about it that subtle charm which those who are strangers to the works of G.P.R.  James have claimed was only to be imparted by Dumas.
If there was nothing more about the work to attract especial attention, the account of the meeting of the kings on the historic “field of the cloth of gold” would entitle the story to the most favorable consideration of every reader.
There is really but little pure romance in this story, for the author has taken care to imagine love passages only between those whom history has credited with having entertained the tender passion one for another, and he succeeds in making such lovers as all the world must love.

WINDSOR CASTLE.  A Historical Romance of the Reign of Henry VIII., Catharine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn.  By Wm. Harrison Ainsworth.  Cloth. 12mo. with four illustrations by George Cruikshank.  Price, $1.00.

“Windsor Castle” is the story of Henry VIII., Catharine, and Anne Boleyn.  “Bluff King Hal,” although a well-loved monarch, was none too good a one in many ways.  Of all his selfishness and unwarrantable acts, none was more discreditable than his divorce from Catharine, and his marriage to the beautiful Anne Boleyn.  The King’s love was as brief as it was vehement.  Jane Seymour, waiting maid on the Queen, attracted him, and Anne Boleyn was forced to the block to make room for her successor.  This romance is one of extreme interest to all readers.

HORSESHOE ROBINSON.  A tale of the Tory Ascendency in South Carolina in 1780.  By John P. Kennedy.  Cloth, 12mo. with four illustrations by J. Watson Davis.  Price, $1.00.

Project Gutenberg
Ben Blair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.