Illusions eBook

James Sully
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 358 pages of information about Illusions.

Illusions eBook

James Sully
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 358 pages of information about Illusions.

  Immediate. See Cognition.

  Individual, and common experience, 26, 27, 137, 209, 214, 336;
    dream-experience as, 44, 68;
    internal experience as, 209;
    memory as, 232;
    belief and truth, 338.

  Inference, and immediate knowledge, 6, 334;
    in perception, 22, 26, 68;
    in belief, 295.

  Innate, recollection as, 280;
    principles, 295, 356.

  Insane, sense-illusions of, 63, 65, 111;
    hallucinations of, 118;
    dreaming and state of, 182;
    mnemonic illusions of, 278, 289;
    beliefs of, 327.

  Insight, nature of, 217;
    illusions of, defined, 220;
    passive illusions of, 220;
    histrionic illusion, 222;
    active illusions of, 223;
    poetic interpretation of nature, 224;
    value of faculty of, 228.

  Interpretation, in correct perception, 22;
    of impression and experience, 70;
    and volition, 95;
    and fixed habits of mind, 101;
    and temporary attitude of mind, 102;
    of sensations in dreams, 137, 147;
    of internal feelings, 203;
    of others’ feelings, 217;
    of nature by poet, 225;
    recollection as, 242.

  Introspection, nature of, 14, 189;
    illusory forms of, 190;
    confusion of inner and outer experiences, 194;
    inaccurate inspection of feelings, 196;
    presentation and representation confused, 199;
    feelings and inferences from these, 203;
    moral self-scrutiny, 204;
    philosophic, 205;
    value of, 208.

  Intuition. See Cognition.

  Intuitivism, 348.


  Jackson, Dr. J. Hughlings, 27, note[9], 33, 123, note[67].

  Johnson, Dr., 116.


  Klang, as compound sensation, 53.

  Knowledge. See Cognition.


  Language, function of, 195.

  Leibnitz, 133.

  Lelut, L.F., 120, note[66].

  Lessing, G. E., 133, note[73].

  Leuret, 290, note[135].

  Lewes, G.H., 28, 32, note[12], 52, note[30], 62, note[1], 68,
    note[35], 89, note[45], 115, note[58], 150.

  Life, our estimate of, 323, 326, 327.

  Light, sensation and perception of, 59;
    effects of reflection and refraction, of, 73;
    representation, of, in painting, 88, 91;
    action of, in sleep, 140.

  Localization, as local discrimination of sensations, 52;
    as localizing of sensations, 59, 60;
    illusory, 61, 82;
    in hallucination, 118, 119;
    in dreaming, 148;
    of events in time, in memory, 238, 245;
    in expectation, 304.

  Locke, 133, note[73].

  Lotze, H., 60, note[29].

  Lover, illusion of, 224, 227, 342.

  Luminosity of painting, 88, 91.

Project Gutenberg
Illusions from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.