Milly Darrell and Other Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Milly Darrell and Other Tales.

Milly Darrell and Other Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Milly Darrell and Other Tales.

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘it is about myself I want to speak.’

Mrs. Darrell went to one of the windows, and stood with her face turned away from us, looking out.  I followed Mr. Hale into the dressing-room.

I unlocked the wardrobe, took out the medicine-bottle, and told the doctor my suspicions of the previous night.  He listened to me with grave attention, but with an utterly incredulous look.

‘A nervous fancy of yours, no doubt, Miss Crofton,’ he said; ‘however, I’ll take the medicine back to my surgery and analyse it.’

‘I have something more to tell you, Mr. Hale.’


I repeated, word for word, what Peter had told me about Mrs. Darrell’s visit to his grandmother.

‘It is a very extraordinary business,’ he said; ’but I cannot imagine that Mrs. Darrell would be capable of such a hideous crime.  What motive could she have for such an act?’

’I do not feel justified in speaking quite plainly upon that subject, Mr. Hale; but I have reason to know that Mrs. Darrell has a very bitter feeling about her stepdaughter.’

’I cannot think the thing you suspect possible.  However, the medicine shall be analysed; and we will take all precautions for the future.  I will send you another bottle immediately, in a sealed packet.  You will take notice that the seal is unbroken before you use the medicine.’

He showed me his crest on a seal at the end of his pencil-case, and then departed.  The medicine came a quarter of an hour later in a sealed packet.  This time I brought the bottle into the sick-room, and placed it on the mantelpiece, where it was impossible for any one to touch it.

When Mr. Hale came for his second visit, there was a grave and anxious look in his face.  He was very well satisfied with the appearance of the patient, however, and pronounced that there was a change for the better—­slight, of course, but quite as much as could be expected in so short a time.  He beckoned me out of the room, and I went down-stairs with him, leaving Susan Dodd with Milly.

’I am going to speak to Mrs. Darrell, and you had better come with me,’ he said.

She was in the library.  Mr. Hale went in, and I followed him.  She was sitting at the table, with writing materials scattered before her; but she was not writing.  She had a strange preoccupied air; but at the sight of Mr. Hale she rose suddenly, and looked at him with a deadly white face.

‘Is she worse?’ she asked.

‘No, Mrs. Darrell; she is better,’ he answered sternly.  ’I find that we have been the dupes of some secret enemy of this dear child’s.  There has been an attempt at murder going on under our very eyes.  Poison has been mixed with the medicine sent by me—­a slow poison.  Happily for us the poisoner has been a little too cautious for the success of the crime.  The doses administered have been small enough to leave the chance of recovery.  An accident awakened Miss Crofton’s suspicions last night, and she very wisely discontinued the medicine.  I have analysed it since she gave it me, and find that a certain portion of irritant poison has been mixed with it.’

Project Gutenberg
Milly Darrell and Other Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.