Wych Hazel eBook

Anna Bartlett Warner
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 557 pages of information about Wych Hazel.

Wych Hazel eBook

Anna Bartlett Warner
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 557 pages of information about Wych Hazel.

‘So would he, if he knew you were eating them, sir.’

‘I’ve eaten enough of them,’ said Dr. Maryland, seeming to recollect himself.  ’They are very good; they are the finest strawberries I have seen.’  And he handed the basket to Mr. Falkirk, who immediately passed it over to Rollo.  Rollo balanced the basket on his fingers and carried it so, but put never a finger inside.

‘I am afraid your head will be turned, Hazel, my dear,’ said Dr. Maryland, ’if the adulation has begun so soon.  What will you do when you are a little better known?’

‘Ah!’ said Hazel, with an indescribable intonation, ’ask Mr. Falkirk that, Dr. Maryland.  Poor Mr. Falkirk! he is learning every day of his life what it is to know me “a little better!” ’

‘I can imagine that,’ said Dr. Maryland, quite gravely.  ’My dear, what a beautiful old house you have!’

The June day, however, was so alluring that they could not make up their minds to go inside.  On the basket chairs in the low verandah they sat down, and looked and talked.  Primrose did not talk much—­she was quiet; nor Mr. Falkirk—­he was taciturn; the burden of talk was chiefly borne by Wych Hazel and the Doctor.  In a genial, enjoying, sympathising mood, Dr. Maryland came out in a way uncommon for him! asked questions about the woods, the property, the old house; and delighted himself in the beauty that was abroad in earth and sky.

‘My dear,’ he said at last to Wych Hazel, ’you have all that this world can give you.  What are you going to do with it?’

‘Have I?’ she said, rather wistfully.  ’I thought I was looking for something more.  What could I do with it, sir?  You know Mr. Falkirk manages everything as well as can be, now.’

‘Are you looking for something more?’ said Dr. Maryland, tenderly.  ‘What more are you looking for, Hazel?’

‘Suppose I should tell you I do not quite know, myself, sir?’

‘I should say, my dear, the best thing would be to find out.’

‘I shall know when I find it,’ said the girl.  ‘If I find it.’

’ “To him that hath shall be given!” One of the best ways, Hazel, to find more is to make the best use of what we have.’

The girl left her seat, and kneeling down by Dr. Maryland, laid her hand on his shoulder.

‘I mean,’ she said, dropping her voice so that only the doctor could hear, ’not more of what people call much; but something, where I have nothing.  To belong to somebody—­to have somebody belong to me.’

‘Ah, my dear,’ said the doctor, wistfully, ’I am afraid Primrose wouldn’t do.’

’I have wanted her ever since she took me in out of the rain, and did not wonder how I got wet,’ said Hazel laughing but dropping her voice again.

’If you had her, my dear, you would then want something or somebody else.’

Project Gutenberg
Wych Hazel from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.