Memoir of Jane Austen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Memoir of Jane Austen.

Memoir of Jane Austen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about Memoir of Jane Austen.

   ’Mrs. David’s, College St., Winton,
   ’Tuesday, May 27th.

’There is no better way, my dearest E., of thanking you for your affectionate concern for me during my illness than by telling you myself, as soon as possible, that I continue to get better.  I will not boast of my handwriting; neither that nor my face have yet recovered their proper beauty, but in other respects I gain strength very fast.  I am now out of bed from 9 in the morning to 10 at night:  upon the sofa, it is true, but I eat my meals with aunt Cassandra in a rational way, and can employ myself, and walk from one room to another.  Mr. Lyford says he will cure me, and if he fails, I shall draw up a memorial and lay it before the Dean and Chapter, and have no doubt of redress from that pious, learned, and disinterested body.  Our lodgings are very comfortable.  We have a neat little drawing-room with a bow window overlooking Dr. Gabell’s garden. {173} Thanks to the kindness of your father and mother in sending me their carriage, my journey hither on Saturday was performed with very little fatigue, and had it been a fine day, I think I should have felt none; but it distressed me to see uncle Henry and Wm. Knight, who kindly attended us on horseback, riding in the rain almost the whole way.  We expect a visit from them to-morrow, and hope they will stay the night; and on Thursday, which is a confirmation and a holiday, we are to get Charles out to breakfast.  We have had but one visit from him, poor fellow, as he is in sick-room, but he hopes to be out to-night.  We see Mrs. Heathcote every day, and William is to call upon us soon.  God bless you, my dear E. If ever you are ill, may you be as tenderly nursed as I have been.  May the same blessed alleviations of anxious, sympathising friends be yours:  and may you possess, as I dare say you will, the greatest blessing of all in the consciousness of not being unworthy of their love. I could not feel this.

   ’Your very affecte Aunt,
   ‘J.  A.’

The following extract from a letter which has been before printed, written soon after the former, breathes the same spirit of humility and thankfulness:—­

’I will only say further that my dearest sister, my tender, watchful, indefatigable nurse, has not been made ill by her exertions.  As to what I owe her, and the anxious affection of all my beloved family on this occasion, I can only cry over it, and pray God to bless them more and more.’

Throughout her illness she was nursed by her sister, often assisted by her sister-in-law, my mother.  Both were with her when she died.  Two of her brothers, who were clergymen, lived near enough to Winchester to be in frequent attendance, and to administer the services suitable for a Christian’s death-bed.  While she used the language of hope to her correspondents, she was fully aware of her danger, though not appalled by it.  It is true that there was much to attach

Project Gutenberg
Memoir of Jane Austen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.