The Poetry of Architecture eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 205 pages of information about The Poetry of Architecture.

The Poetry of Architecture eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 205 pages of information about The Poetry of Architecture.

54.  Again, observe its ease of outline.  There is not a single straight line to be met with from foundation to roof; all is bending or broken.  The form of every stone in its walls is a study; for, owing to the infinite delicacy of structure in all minerals, a piece of stone 3 in. in diameter, irregularly fractured, and a little worn by the weather, has precisely the same character of outline which we should find and admire in a mountain of the same material 6000 ft. high;[9] and, therefore, the eye, though not feeling the cause, rests on every cranny, and crack, and fissure with delight.  It is true that we have no idea that every small projection, if of chert, has such an outline as Scawfell’s; if of gray-wacke, as Skiddaw’s; or if of slate, as Helvellyn’s; but their combinations of form are, nevertheless, felt to be exquisite, and we dwell upon every bend of the rough roof and every hollow of the loose wall, feeling it to be a design which no architect on earth could ever equal, sculptured by a chisel of unimaginable delicacy, and finished to a degree of perfection, which is unnoticed only because it is everywhere.

[Footnote 9:  Compare Modern Painters, vol. iv. chap. 18, Sec. 7.]

55.  This ease and irregularity is peculiarly delightful where gracefulness and freedom of outline and detail are, as they always are in mountain countries, the chief characteristics of every scene.  It is well that, where every plant is wild and every torrent free, every field irregular in its form, every knoll various in its outline, one is not startled by well built walls, or unyielding roofs, but is permitted to trace in the stones of the peasant’s dwelling, as in the crags of the mountain side, no evidence of the line or the mallet, but the operation of eternal influences, the presence of an Almighty hand.  Another perfection connected with its ease of outline is, its severity of character:  there is no foppery about it; not the slightest effort at any kind of ornament, but what nature chooses to bestow; it wears all its decorations wildly, covering its nakedness, not with what the peasant may plant, but with what the winds may bring.  There is no gay color or neatness about it; no green shutters or other abomination:  all is calm and quiet, and severe, as the mind of a philosopher, and, withal, a little somber.  It is evidently old, and has stood many trials in its day; and the snow, and the tempest, and the torrent have all spared it, and left it in its peace, with its gray head unbowed, and its early strength unbroken, even though the spirit of decay seems creeping, like the moss and the lichen, through the darkness of its crannies.  This venerable and slightly melancholy character is the very soul of all its beauty.

Project Gutenberg
The Poetry of Architecture from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.