The Mystic Will eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 136 pages of information about The Mystic Will.

The Mystic Will eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 136 pages of information about The Mystic Will.

Prayer is generally regarded as nothing else but an asking or begging from a superior power.  But it is also something which is really very different from this.  It is a formula by means of which man realizes his faith and will.  Tradition, and habit (of whose power I have spoken) or repetition, have given it the influence or prestige of a charm.  In fact it is a spell, he who utters it feels assured that if seriously repeated it will be listened to, and that the Power to whom it is addressed will hear it.  The Florentines all round me as I write, who repeat daily, “Pate nostro quis in cell, santi ficeturie nome tumme!” in words which they do not understand, do not pray for daily bread or anything else in the formula; they only realize that they commune with God, and are being good.  An intelligent prayer in this light is the concentration of thought on a subject, or a definite realization.  Therefore if when willing that tomorrow I shall be calm all day or void of irritation, I put the will or wish into a brief and clear form, it will aid me to promptly realize or feel what I want.  And it will be a prayer in its reality, addressed to the Unknown Power or to the Will within us—­an invocation, or a spell, according to the mind of him who makes it.

Thus a seeker may repeat:  “I will, earnestly and deeply, that during all tomorrow I may be in a calm and peaceful state of mind.  I will with all my heart that if irritating or annoying memories or images, or thoughts of any kind are in any way awakened, that they may be promptly forgotten and fade away!”

I would advise that such a formula be got by heart till very familiar, to be repeated, but not mechanically, before falling to sleeps What is of the very utmost importance is that the operator shall feel its meaning and at the same time give it the impulse of Will by the dual process before described.  This, if successfully achieved, will not fail (at least with most minds) to induce success.

This formula, or “spell,” will be sufficient for some time.  When we feel that it is really beginning to have an effect, we may add to it other wishes.  That is to say, be it clearly understood, that by repeating the will to be calm and peaceful, day after day, it will assuredly begin to come of itself, even as a pigeon which hath been “tolled” every day at a certain hour to find corn or crumbs in a certain place, will continue to go there even if the food cease.  However, you may renew the first formula if you will.  Then we may add gradually the wish to be in a bold or courageous frame of mind, so as to face trials, as follows: 

“I will with all my soul, earnestly and truly, that I may be on the morrow and all the day deeply inspired with courage and energy, with self-confidence and hope!  May it lighten my heart and make me heedless of all annoyances and vexations which may arise!  Should such come in my way, may I hold them at no more than their real value, or laugh them aside!”

Project Gutenberg
The Mystic Will from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.