Henrik Ibsen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about Henrik Ibsen.

Henrik Ibsen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about Henrik Ibsen.
or poet?  Cosmop. 38:409-16. 1905.
——­ Humor of the Wild Duck. In Archer, W. Theatrical World
——­ Ibsen and English criticism.  Fortn. 52:30-37. 1887.
——­ Ibsen as he is translated.  Time (Lond.) 22:37. 1890.
——­ Ibsen as I knew him.  Monthly R. 23, No. 3:1. 1905.
  Same. Reader 8:185-97. 1906.
——­ Ibsen as seen in his letters.  Fortn. 83:428-41. 1905.
  Same. Liv.  Age 245:209-19. 1905.
——­ Ibsen’s apprenticeship.  Fortn. 81:25-35. 1904.
——­ Ibsen’s imperialism. 19 Cent. 61:244-55. 1907.
——­ Master builder In Archer, W. Theatrical World 1893. p 54-70.
——­ Mausoleum of Ibsen.  Fortn. 60:77-91. 1893.
  Same. Das Ibsenmausoleum.  Die Zukunft 5:174-87. 1893.
——­ Nora.  Theatre (Lond.) n.s. 3:209-14. 1884.
——­ Quintessence of Ibsenism.  New R. 5:463. 1891.
——­ Real Ibsen.  Internat.  M. 3:182-201. 1901.
——­ Two dramas of Ibsen (En Folkefiende and Nora) Acad. (Lond.) 23:5-6. 
    Jan. 6, 1883.
——­ Wild duck:  a study in illusions. In Archer, W. Theatrical World
    1894. 136-43.
——­ Editor.  Introduction Doll’s house.  Scott 1901.
  ——­ ——­ Ghosts.  Scott 1901.
  ——­ ——­ John Gabriel Borkman.  Duffield 1909.
  ——­ ——­ League of Youth.  Scott 1901.
  ——­ ——­ Master Builder.  Heineman 1902.
  ——­ ——­ Pillars of Society.  Scott 1901.
  ——­ ——­ Wild Duck.  Scott 1905.

+Armstrong, R. A.+ Ibsen’s Brand.  Westm. 135:409-27. 1891.

+Arnold, Robert F.+ Das moderne Drama.  Strassburg. 1908. 388p.

+Aronsohn, Oskar.+ Erlaeuterungen zu Ibsens pathologischen Gestalten. 
  1.  Oswald Alving.  Eine pathologische Studie. 1909. 39p.
  2.  Das Problem im Baumeister Solness. 1910. 64p.

+Arnstein, Ph.+ Ibsens Frauengestalten.  Die Frau 5:347-53. 1898.

+Aveling, E.+ Nora.  To-day 1:473-1884.

+Bab, J.+ Ibsens Unsterblichkeit.  Schaubuehne 2:703-8. 1906.

+Bahr, Herman.+ Henrik Ibsen.  Wien. 1887. 18p.

+Bang, Herman.+ Erinnerungen an Henrik Ibsen.  Die Neue Rundschau.  Jahrg.
    17:1491-1500. 1906.
——­ Et Dukkehjem. In Bang, H. Kritiske studier og udkast.  Kjobn.
    1880. p. 204-28.
——­ Etwas von jungen Ibsen ...  Beilage zur Allgemeine Zeitung.
    1896.  Nr. 316.

+Basch, V.+ Ibsen et G. Sand.  Cosmopolis 9:466-92. 1898.

+Baussan, C.+ Moral ideas of Ibsen.  Cath.  W. 87:785-98. 1908.

+Bayet, Jean.+ Henrik Ibsen.  La Nouvelle Revue n.s. 41:30-40. 1906.

+Beerbohm, Max.+ Dr. Brandes on Ibsen.  Sat.  R. 85:821. 1898. ——­ Ibsen.  Sat.  R. 101:650-1. 1906. ——­ Ibsen after all.  Sat.  R. 88:101-2. 1899. ——­ Pillars of Society.  Sat.  R. 91:631-2. 1901. ——­ Vikings at Helgeland.  Sat.  R. 95:517-18. 1903.

+Bekker, P.+ Die Musik in Ibsens Dichtung.  Neue Musik-Zeitung 27:457-61.

+Bellaigue, C.+ Hedda Gabler.  Revue des deux mondes 109:218-24.  Jan.

Project Gutenberg
Henrik Ibsen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.