A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.].

A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.].

p. 282:  It should also be pointed out that the Yung-cheng emperor was personally more inclined towards Lamaism.—­The Kalmuks are largely identical with the above-mentioned Oeloet.

p. 286:  The existence of hong is known since 1686, see P’eng Tse-i and Wang Chu-an’s recent studies.  For details on foreign trade see H. B. Morse, The Chronicles of the East India Company Trading to China 1635-1834, Oxford 1926, 4 vols., and J. K. Fairbank, Trade and Diplomacy on the China Coast.  The Opening of the Treaty Ports, 1842-1854, Cambridge, Mass., 1953, 2 vols.—­For Lin I used G. W. Overdijkink’s study.

p. 287:  On customs read St. F. Wright, Hart and the Chinese Customs, Belfast 1950.

p. 288:  For early industry see A. Feuerwerker, China’s Early Industrialization:  Sheng Hsuan-huai (1844-1916), Cambridge, Mass., 1958.

p. 289:  The Chinese source materials for the Mohammedan revolts have recently been published, but an analysis of the importance of the revolts still remains to be done.—­On T’ai-p’ing much has been published, especially in the last years in China, so that all documents are now available.  I used among other studies, details brought out by Lo Hsiang-lin and Jen Yu-wen.

p. 291:  For Tseng Kuo-fan see W. J. Hail, Tseng Kuo-fan and the T’ai-p’ing Rebellion, Hew Haven 1927, but new research on him is about to be published.—­The Nien-fei had some connection with the White Lotos, and were known since 1814, see Chiang Siang-tseh, The Nien Rebellion, Seattle 1954.

p. 292:  Little is known about Salars, Dungans and Yakub Beg’s rebellion, mainly because relevant Turkish sources have not yet been studied.  On Salars see L. Schram, The Monguors of Kansu, Philadelphia 1954, p. 23 and P. Pelliot; on Dungans see I. Grebe.

p. 293:  On Tso Tsung-t’ang see G. Ch’en, Tso Tung T’ang, Pioneer Promotor of the Modern Dockyard and Woollen Mill in China, Peking 1938, and Yenching Journal of Soc.  Studies, vol. 1.

p. 294:  For the T’ung-chih period, see now Mary C. Wright, The Last Stand of Chinese Conservativism.  The T’ung-chih Restoration, 1862-1874, Stanford 1957.

p. 295:  Ryukyu is Chinese:  Liu-ch’iu; Okinawa is one of the islands of this group.—­Formosa is Chinese:  T’ai-wan (Taiwan).  Korea is Chinese:  Chao-hsien, Japanese:  Chosen.

p. 297:  M. C. Wright has shown the advisers around the ruler before the Empress Dowager realized the severity of the situation.—­Much research is under way to study the beginning of industrialization of Japan, and my opinions have changed greatly, due to the research done by Japanese scholars and such Western scholars as H. Rosovsky and Th.  Smith.  The eminent role of the lower aristocracy has been established.  Similar research for China has not even seriously started.  My remarks are entirely preliminary.

Project Gutenberg
A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.