Lectures on Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 260 pages of information about Lectures on Language.

Lectures on Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 260 pages of information about Lectures on Language.


Lecture I process of time as ingle [a single]
               will not unfrequenly [unfrequently] represent

Lecture III German, Danish, Dutch, Sweedish [Swedish]

Lecture V David killed Goliah [Goliath]

Lecture VI and cosinder [consider] them in this place

Lecture VII We are told there are are [are] two articles
               the mother is mascu.line [masculine]
               dress handkerchief.[”] The resolution

Lecture VIII object will be to ascertion [ascertain]
               ["]But wherefore sits he there?
               act transitively, acording [according] to

Lecture IX the pocket of Guy Fawks [Fawkes]
               For we should rember [remember]
               looks like or resembles his brother,[”]

Lecture X A philosophical axiom[.]—­Manner
               And our languge [language] should
               ["]I have addressed this volume

Lecture XI Be not surprized [surprised] when I tell you

Lecture XII the qualifification [qualification] of an adverb,
               —­“express neither actionn [action] or passion.”

Lecture XIV trace back to their orignal [original] form
               ["]He stept a-side”
               ["]As Mailie, an’ her lambs
               ["]Not only saw he all that was,

Footnote 22 Murray is wroug [wrong]

Project Gutenberg
Lectures on Language from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.