Everychild eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 177 pages of information about Everychild.

Everychild eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 177 pages of information about Everychild.

There was a brief interval of suspense and then the door began to open, inch by inch, very slowly.  Two terrible eyes became visible.

Everychild knew immediately that it was the Giant Fear, though for a moment he could see nothing but the peeping eyes which leered horribly.  And when the Giant Fear perceived that Everychild was terrified, he thrust the door open wide and stood on the threshold.

He was, I may tell you at once, the most hideous creature in the world.  His cruel grin was too evil a thing to be described.  He carried a great bludgeon.  From his lower jaw a yellow tusk arose at either corner of his mouth and projected beyond his upper lip.  His ears covered the whole sides of his head.  His jaws were as large around as a bushel basket.

At first, after he had entered the room, he did not perceive either Father Time or the Masked Lady.  He dropped one end of his bludgeon to the floor with a thump, and there he stood leering at Everychild with a sinister and triumphant expression.

Only a moment he stood, and then he advanced a step toward Everychild.  But just at that instant Father Time moved slightly and the intruder became aware of his presence.  The wicked smile on his terrible face began to freeze slowly.  The great creature shrank away from Father Time; and as he did so he became aware of the presence of the Masked Lady on his other side.  For an instant he trembled from head to foot!  And then more hurriedly he took another step toward Everychild.

Everychild was trying very hard to hold his ground; but in truth he could feel his knees giving way beneath him and it seemed that he must fall if the giant advanced another inch.  Nor did the giant fail to note that Everychild was in distress, and at this he regained something of his boldness.  In a loud, terrible voice he spoke to Everychild: 

“Ah—­ha!  And so you were getting ready to defy me—­hey?”

Everychild’s teeth chattered as he replied:  “Please go away!”

The giant nodded exultantly.  In the same great voice he said, “You know me, I suppose?—­the Giant Fear who always makes Everychild tremble?”

A calm voice interposed—­the voice of Father Time:  “The Giant Fear, whom Everychild may conquer!”

The voice was so reassuring, and the eyes of Father Time were so calm and friendly, that Everychild ceased to despair.  With trembling limbs he ran to Father Time.  “If you would lend me your scythe——­” he gasped.  He laid a hand on the scythe of Father Time.

But Father Time withheld the scythe.  He said gently, “The scythe of Father Time is a wonderful weapon; but a better one is at Everychild’s command.  Behold!”

As he spoke he pointed majestically to the Masked Lady.

She had arisen, and Everychild saw that she held aloft a slim, shining sword!

A hush fell within the room; but presently Everychild, addressing Father Time, whispered:  “A sword!  And may I take it?”

Project Gutenberg
Everychild from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.