The Repair Of Casa Grande Ruin, Arizona, in 1891 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 46 pages of information about The Repair Of Casa Grande Ruin, Arizona, in 1891.

The Repair Of Casa Grande Ruin, Arizona, in 1891 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 46 pages of information about The Repair Of Casa Grande Ruin, Arizona, in 1891.
judgment of the custodian, Reverend Isaac T. Whittemore, who is known to several collaborators in the Bureau.
The subject of the preservation of Casa Grande, in many respects the most noteworthy ruin in the United States, is deemed important; and if the Secretary of the Interior desires more specific information concerning the present condition of the ruin, as a basis for further action or judgment, it will be a pleasure to have an officer of this Bureau make a special examination of, and report on, the ruin during the autumn.

  I have the honor to be, yours, with great respect,

  W J McGee, Acting Director
      The Secretary of the Interior.

IV. Letter of the Acting Secretary of the Interior to the Director of the Bureau of American Ethnology, approving the suggestion that Casa Grande be visited with a view of determining the desirability of its further protection

Department of the Interior,
Washington, September 12, 1895
The Director of the Bureau of American Ethnology,
Smithsonian Institution.

Dear Sir:  I am in receipt of your letter of the 28th ultimo submitting a report upon the recommendation made by the Reverend Isaac T. Whittemore, custodian, that provision be made for further protection of the Casa Grande ruin near Florence, Arizona, by the erection of a suitable roof.
In response thereto I have to state that more specific information concerning the present condition of the ruin and the probable cost of providing proper protection for it is desirable in the preparation of an estimate to be submitted to Congress with a view of securing appropriation for the work.  To this end the Department gladly avails itself of your offer to send an officer of your Bureau, at its expense, to make a special examination and report on the ruin during the autumn of this year.

  Very respectfully,
      John M. Reynolds,
          Acting Secretary.

V. Letter of the Director of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Interior regarding the examination of Casa Grande by Mr W J McGee

  Smithsonian Institution,
      Bureau of American Ethnology,
          Washington, October 18, 1895.

Sir:  Pursuant to your request of September 12, 1895, Mr W J McGee, ethnologist in charge in the Bureau of American Ethnology, will in a few days repair to Florence, Arizona, for the purpose of examining Casa Grande ruin and determining the desirability of further works for its preservation. * * *

  In accordance with terms of preceding correspondence, it is of
  course understood that the cost of the work will be borne wholly by
  this Bureau.

  I have the honor to be, yours, with great respect,

  J. W. Powell, Director
  The Secretary of the Interior,
      Washington, D.C.

Project Gutenberg
The Repair Of Casa Grande Ruin, Arizona, in 1891 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.