The Trail Horde eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 325 pages of information about The Trail Horde.

The Trail Horde eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 325 pages of information about The Trail Horde.

A good teacher must not be vindictive; and Ruth was trying her best to keep alive the spark of mercy and compassion that threatened to burn itself out.

Despite her apparent calm—­the outward sign of cold self-control—­Ruth’s face revealed indications of the terrific struggle that was going on within her.  Her face was pale, and though her eyes seemed to smile, there was a gleam far back in them that suggested thoughts of force, instant, vicious.  Also there was wrath in them—­wrath that threatened to break with volcanic fury.

The girl was of medium height, and yet she seemed to be almost tall as she stood on the platform.  She was erect, her head was held high.  She was slender, with a gracefully rounded figure, but as she stood there, her muscles straining, her chest swelling with the passion she was trying to suppress, she must have appeared Amazonic to the culprits whose crimes had goaded her to thoughts of corporal punishment.

It was not difficult to single out the culprits.  There were two, and they sat defiantly in their seats, sneering their contempt of the teacher’s wrath, advertising their entire disregard for the restraining influence of rules.

Both were boys.  The larger, freckle-faced, with an uptilted nose and belligerent eyes, was fully as tall as Ruth.  He was broad and muscular, and it was evident that consideration for his size was one influence that had thus far delayed the punishment he no doubt merited.

It was evident, too, that the culprit suspected this, for as Ruth’s hesitation continued he grew bolder and more contemptuous.  And now, having divined that Ruth would not attempt to inflict the punishment she meditated, the young man guffawed loudly.

“Shucks,” he sneered, winking piratically at his brother-culprit; “she’s tryin’ to run a whizzer in on us.  She ain’t goin’ to do nuthin’!”

“Jimmy Singleton; you advance to the platform!” Ruth’s voice came sharply, quavering with the passion she had been suppressing until now.

She stood rigid until “Jimmy” got out of his seat with elephantine deliberation, and shuffled to the edge of the platform, where he stood, grinning defiantly.

Ruth raised the lid of her desk and took out a formidable willow branch, which she had cut only the day before from a tree that grew beside the Wolf near her cabin, in anticipation of the present incident.

She had known for many days that she would have to punish Jimmy Singleton, for Jimmy had been growing daily less amenable to discipline.  But she had hoped that she would not be compelled to punish him—­she had escaped that disagreeable task so far.

But there was no alternative, and though she grew deadly white and her legs grew weak as she drew out the willow switch, she advanced on Jimmy, her eyes flaming with desperate resolution.

Project Gutenberg
The Trail Horde from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.