Berry And Co. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 363 pages of information about Berry And Co..

Berry And Co. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 363 pages of information about Berry And Co..

The inspector hesitated, and the Chief Constable’s face took on a darker shade of red.  He was a coarse-looking man, generously designed and expensively over-dressed.  For a moment I thought he was going to strike Jonah.  Then he caught a heavy underlip in his teeth, turned on his heel, and strode to the Rolls-Royce.

He cast a proprietor’s eye over her points.  Then he stepped behind her as though to come to her other side.  The next second he was back and shaking his fist in Jonah’s face.

“So you’ve had the infernal audacity to alter the number-plates, have you?” he yelled.  “Thought to bluff me, I suppose.  You impudent——­”

“One moment,” said Jonah steadily.  “Without looking at the dash, tell me your chassis number.  Your chauffeur should know it.”

“One double seven eight,” came parrot-wise from the lips of the gentleman referred to.

“Thank you,” said Jonah.

Grey Hat almost ran to the Rolls, tore open the bonnet, and stared at the dash—­stared....

We waited in a silence so charged with expectancy as to be almost unbearable.

At last the Chief Constable straightened his back.  His eyes were bulging and his face redder than ever.  Twice he essayed to speak without success.  Then—­

“I said it was my car,” said Jonah placidly.

For a moment Grey Hat stood glaring at him.  Then, muttering something about “a mistake,” he started to lurch towards the police car.  As the officers turned shamefacedly to follow their chief, Jonah’s parade voice rang out.

“Stop!” At the word of command, master and men alike stood still where they were.  “My friends and I have been openly accused of felony and threatened with arrest.”

The Chief Constable swallowed before replying.

“I was mistaken,” he said thickly.  “I—­I apologize.”

“You mean to say you believed that to be your car?”

“I did.”


“It’s exactly like it.”

“There must be some difference.”

“There’s no difference at all.  If mine were here, I’d defy you to tell them apart.”

“Do you seriously suggest that I shouldn’t know my own car?”

“I do.”

“And that such a mistake on my part would be excusable?”


“Thank you,” said Jonah.  “That excusable mistake was made this morning.  My car was stolen and sought for.  Your car was found.  If you will accompany me to the stables, I shall be happy to restore it to you at once.”

Grey Hat started forward, his face transfigured with excitement and relief.

“You mean to say——­” he began.

“Come, sir,” said Jonah icily.  “I feel sure that the ladies will excuse your withdrawal.”

* * * * *

It was half an hour later, just when we were finishing tea, that a cry from Jill made us all turn to follow her gaze down the curling drive.

Project Gutenberg
Berry And Co. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.