General Scott eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about General Scott.

General Scott eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about General Scott.

Dallas, Commodore, 97.

Davis, Edward, General, 312.

Davis, Jefferson, 291.

Dearborn, Henry, General, 14, 23, 24.

Dennis, Colonel, 29.

Devlin, John S., acting quartermaster, 253.

Dominguez commands Mexicans in American army, 237.

Douglas, Stephen A., 303.

Douglass, John M., Major, 112.

Drum, Simon H., Captain, 220, 225.

Drummond, Lieutenant-General Sir Gordon, 34.

Duane, James Chatham, General, 305.

Duel between Burr and Hamilton, 5.

Dulaney, William, Major, 253.

Duncan, James, Lieutenant-Colonel, 108, 221, 271, 277, 283, 286.

Duval, William P., Governor, 82.

Eaton, J.H., Secretary of War, 49, 50, 76, 82.

Edson, Alvin, Captain, 165.

Elliott, Lieutenant, plans destruction of British brigs, 13.

Eustis, Abram, Brigadier-General, 111, 113, 114.

Expedition of Aaron Burr, 5, 6.

Fagan, John, Major, 75.

Fanning, Alexander C.W., Major, 88.

Farquhar, William, Captain, 302.

Farragut, Admiral D.G., 329.

Fenwick, John R., Colonel, 16.

Field, Thomas Y., Lieutenant, 253.

Fillmore, Millard, President, 293.

Finances of Mexico, 239.

Finlay, Captain, 94.

Florida War, 72, 87, 97-99, 112.

Florida, army of, 115.

Floyd, John B., 136, 298.

Floyd, Robertson R., Captain, 96.

Fort Brooke, the army concentrate there, 118.

Fort Brown occupied by General Taylor, 154.

Fort Erie surrenders, 30;
  invested, 37.

Fort George, attack on, 16, 17;
  storming of, 24.

Fort Niagara, defeat of the British at, 26.

Foster, William Sewell, Lieutenant-Colonel, 102.

Frazer, William, Captain, 88.

Freeman, Norvell, Lieutenant, 253.

Fremont, John C., General, 308.

Frontera, Mexican General, 207, 208.

Gadsden, James, Colonel, 75.

Gaines, Edmund, General, 48, 103.

Gaines, J.P., Major, 250.

Gamboa, D. Manuel, Mexican General, 225.

Gardiner, George, 88.

Gardner, Charles K., Lieutenant, 11.

Gardner, Franklin, 175.

Garland, John, General, 220, 221.

Gatlin, John Slade, Dr., 88.

Georgia troops, 95, 96, 110.

Gibson, Captain, 18.

Giles, William B., 5-7.

Goodwyn, Robert H., Colonel, 112-116.

Graham, Captain, 110.

Graham, William A., Secretary of the Navy, 293.

Grant, Ulysses S., General, 322, 329, 334.

Great Britain, war declared against, 11.

Greenway, James, Dr., 3.

Griffin, Charles, Captain, 302.

Guadalupe Hidalgo, text of treaty of, 257, 264.

Hagner, Peter V., Captain, 225.

Project Gutenberg
General Scott from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.