Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

4.  Kummerfield’s Lotion.  “Oriental Lotion.”

Precipitated Sulphur    4 drams
Powdered Camphor       10 grains
Powdered Tragacanth    20 grains
Lime water              2 ounces
Rose water              2 ounces

    Mix; shake well and apply every few hours.

5.  Stimulating preparations.

Corrosive sublimate       1/2 to 2 grains
Emulsion bitter almonds   4 ounces

Mix thoroughly and use to stimulate the skin.

6.  Ointment of white precipitate (five to fifteen per cent strength) can be used in place of one above.

7.  The Following Hebra Lotion (I give as written).

Hydrarg.  Bichlor  1 dram
Aqua Distill      4 drams
Ov.  Albuminis     3 drams
Succi Citri       3 drams
Sacchari          1 ounce

      Mix and apply as directed.

Caution.—­Sulphur and mercury preparations should not be used at the same time, nor immediately succeeding each other, as they will stain the skin.

Baldness. (Alopecia).  Causes.—­Hereditary and diseases.  Congenital and senile (old age) baldness is incurable.  Congenital (born without hair) baldness is rare.

Mothersremedies. 1.  Baldness, Well Recommended for.—­“A first class hair restorative is made of sage tea and whisky in equal parts with a dash of quinine in the bottle.”

2.  Baldness, Vaselin and Quinine for.—­

“Vaselin      1 ounce
Quinine      1/2 ounce”

Mix together and apply to the scalp.

3.  Baldness, Good Canadian Remedy for.—­“Strong sage tea.  Rub the scalp frequently.  I have used this with great success.”

[56 Mothersremedies]

Physicianstreatment for Baldness.—­Persons who have an hereditary tendency to baldness should pay close attention to the hygiene of the scalp, as this is very important.  The hair should be shampooed two or three times a week, to remove sebaceous accumulations and other foreign materials.  After the scalp has been thoroughly rinsed with clean water and dried, some oil or (tube) vaselin should be rubbed in, Fine-toothed combs should never be used, The daily wetting of the hair is injurious, Rats should be light and well aired, When the hair begins to fall, stimulating applications should be used, in the form of ointments or lotions.  The following are among the best with the author’s name given but in English instead of Latin.

Dr. Schalek. 1.

Bichloride of Mercury            3 grains
Tinct. of Cantharides          1/2 ounce
Oil of Sweet Almonds             1 dram
Spirits of Rosemary              1 ounce
Rectified Spirits of Wine        2 ounces
Distilled water enough to make   6 ounces

Mix; shake bottle well; rub thoroughly into the scalp every morning.

2.  Carbolic add 15 grains
    Glycerin 2 drams
    Cologne water 1 ounce

Mix, and apply to the scalp once daily.

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.