Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Cream Welsh Rarebit.—­

1 tablespoon butter. 1 cup soft mild cheese. 1/4 teaspoon salt. 1/4 teaspoon mustard.  Few grains cayenne. 1/2 cup milk. 1 egg. 1/8 teaspoon soda.

Follow directions for welsh rarebit (above) adding the soda with the cheese and the milk in place of the ale.  Curry powder and celery salt make good additions as seasoning.

Curry of Tomato.—­

    4 tomatoes. 1 tablespoon butter.
    1 tablespoon flour. 2 teaspoons curry.
    1/2 teaspoon onion juice. 1/2 teaspoon salt.

Select large, firm, fresh tomatoes.  Peel and cut in slices.  Melt the butter in the blazer.  Add the tomatoes and cook for several minutes.  Add the cream, flour and curry and seasonings.  When hot serve on toast.  Care must be taken or the acid in the tomato will curdle the cream.

Salted Almonds.—­

      1 cup almond meats. 1/2 cup olive oil.

Cover the almonds with boiling water.  Remove the skins, then soak for several hours in strong salted water.  Drain and dry.  Put in enough olive oil to cover the bottom of the blazer.  Put in the nuts and cook until brown.  Drain on paper.  A shorter method is to remove skins and dry the nuts, then cook in olive oil until brown, and while draining to sprinkle them with salt.  Peanuts, pecans and walnuts can be prepared in the same way.  Butter may be substituted for olive oil, if desired.

[Canning, pickling and preserving 830]

One hundred choice recipes
canning, pickling, preserving, jellies, jams
marmalades, relishes, catsups, spices.

Foreign words in the menu.

In this list are many of the foreign words used on menu cards in hotels, with their translation: 


Demitasse—­After-dinner cup of coffee.

Frappe—­Semi or half-frozen.




Cafe au lait—­Coffee with hot milk.

Neufchatel—­A soft Swiss cheese.

Timbale—­Pie crust baked in a mould.

Croutons—­Bread toasted in squares, used for soup and in garnishing.

Bouillon—­A clear broth, usually of beef.

Au Gratin—­Dishes baked, prepared with cheese.

Menu—­Bill of fare.

Puree—­Ingredients rubbed through a sieve; usually the term given a thick strained soup.

Tutti Frutti—­Various kinds of fruits (chopped fine).

Consomme—­Clear soup.

Jus—­Gravy or juice of meats.

[832 Mothersremedies]


Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.