Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

3.  Tape Worm, Ontario Mother’s Remedy for.—­“Don’t eat until very hungry (extremely so), then eat one-half pint of pumpkin seeds.  This is good and will remove the worm every time.”  This remedy is different from the above in that you eat the seeds instead of making a tea.

4.  Tape Worm, Successful Remedy for Children or Adult.—­

“Turpentine   15 drops
Castor Oil     1 teaspoonful
Milk           1 teacupful

Mix and for adult take at one dose.  If not successful repeat the next day.  For child under ten years, one-half the quantity.”

[50 Mothersremedies]

Physicianstreatment.—­Preparing the Patient; Giving the Remedy, and Receiving the Worm.—­Whenever a round or tape worm is to be attacked, the patient must be starved for at least twelve to twenty-four hours, in order that no food in the intestinal (bowel) tract may protect the worm from the action of the drug.  During this time a little milk can be given, and after a night of fasting, before breakfast, the worm medicine (anthelmintic) must be swallowed.  In addition, nearly all the drugs must be followed by purges in order to dislodge the intruder while he is paralyzed and has lost his hold; and in many it is well to have a basin of salt and water ready so that when a passage occurs a rectal injection may be given to wash out the segments of the worm which remain in the rectum.  I am giving many remedies and the different ways of administering them.  Not every one can be cured with the same remedy.  One will act better in some people than in others.  So I give a variety and they are all good.

1.  For two days prior to the administration of the remedies the patient should take a very light, diet and have the bowels moved by a saline (salts) cathartic.  As a rule the male fern acts promptly and well.  The etheral extract of male fern in two dram doses may be given; fast, and follow in the course of a couple of hours by a brisk purgative; that is, calomel followed by salts.

Fasting means this:  Light diet for a day or two and a cathartic at night, no supper except a glass of milk before the worm medicine is given.  Then at bed-time take two to three grains of calomel with ten grains of bicarbonate of sodium; rochelle salts, one-half to one ounce, upon awakening.  As soon as the bowels have moved give oleorisin of aspidium, one dram in capsules.  A saline cathartic should be given one-half to one hour later.  Never give castor oil or any oil after this remedy, When calomel is given it should be given about one hour after taking the worm medicine and followed in one or one and one-half hours by a half to one ounce of salts.

2.  Pelletierine Remedy for.—­This comes in bottles of the proper dose.  It is dear, but effective.  It must be taken lying down, and followed by some cathartic or a dose of epsom salts in two hours after taking.

3.  Infusion and Emulsion for.—­An infusion of

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Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.