Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Dinner; broiled porterhouse or tenderloin steak; baked potatoes; bread or rolls; pretty salad, as apple salad in apple case; custard baked in souffle dish; tea, cocoa or milk.

Supper; broiled squab, raw oysters or meat balls, asparagus tips on toast, fresh or stewed fruit, bread cut in fancy shapes.

Foods that may be taken together.—­Meat; eggs:  soft boiled, poached, shirred or baked; potatoes, baked, boiled or mashed; fruit sauce and ices may go with the following:  stewed tomatoes, salad, spinach, or cucumbers, acid drinks, etc., any foods prepared with vinegar.

Meats, vegetables cooked in milk, or served with cream sauce, cream soups and eggs prepared with milk may be given with fruits, vegetables, drinks, etc., containing no acids.

Foods that should not be taken together.—­Any food prepared with milk should not be given with lemonade, tomatoes, salads containing much vinegar or any foods served with vinegar or lemon juice.

Diets in Fevers.—­Furnished us by a Trained Nurse in a Hospital.

May Take—­

Foods.—­Soups, clear or thickened with some well-cooked farinaceous substance, mutton, clam or chicken broth, beef tea, peptonized milk, panopepton with crushed ice.

Drinks.—­Pure cold water, toast water, lemon or orange juice in cold water, jelly water, cold whey; all in small quantities sipped slowly.

Must Not Take—­

Any solid or vegetable food or fruit until so directed by the physician in charge,

[646 Mothersremedies]

Diet in Debility sent us from one of our Leading Hospitals.

May Take—­

Soups.—­Any broth thickened with farinaceous material, chicken or beef soup containing chopped meat, rich vegetable soups, whole beef tea.

Fish.—­All fresh fish, boiled or broiled, raw oysters.

Meats.—­Beef, mutton, chicken, game, boiled ham, lamb chops or cutlet, broiled bacon, tender juicy steak, hamburger steak.

Eggs.—­Soft boiled, poached, scrambled, raw with sherry wine.

Farinaceous.—­Cracked wheat, rolled oats, mush, sago, tapioca, hominy, barley, macaroni, vermicelli, rolls, biscuits, cakes, whole wheat bread, corn bread, milk toast, dry toast, brown bread.

Vegetables.—­Nearly all perfectly fresh and well cooked.

Desserts.—­Custards, egg and milk, rice or apple pudding, baked apples, fruit jams, jellies, cocoa junket, marmalade, sweet fruits, calf ’s foot jelly.

Drinks.—­Cocoa, chocolate, milk hot, cold or peptonized, pure water, plain or aerated, wineglassful of panopepton.

Must Not Take-

Hashes, stews, cooked oysters or clams, pork, veal, thin soups, turkey, salt meats, except ham and bacon, cabbage, cucumbers, turnips, carrots, squash, spices, pickles, vinegar, pies, pastry, bananas, pineapples.


Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.