Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

If baby is attacked with intestinal indigestion accompanied by loose bowels, what food shall I give?  If it has but two or three passages daily, lower the proportion of fat (cream, etc.), in the manner above directed, and boil the milk for five minutes.  Dilute it still more if curds are present in the stools.

But suppose the attack is more severe?  If there is fever and the passages smell badly and are more frequent, stop all milk and use the diet given for acute gastritis. (Acute indigestion).

Do other conditions besides the food influence digestion?  Yes, use proper clothing, keep warm feet, regular habits, fresh air.  Clean bottles and food, given at proper intervals and temperature, quiet surroundings and absence of excitement are needed.

What common mistakes are often made in modifying milk and feeding infants?  Never fail to follow the directions given for removing the top-milk.  Remove all the top-milk of any given strength in making a formula, and not only the number of ounces needed for the formula.  By using rich Jersey milk as if it were more common milk.  The formulas given are based upon about four per cent fat.  Food is very often increased too rapidly, particularly after stomach and bowel indigestion.  The food in an infant of three or four months old attacked by acute indigestion should seldom be given in full strength for two weeks afterwards, only half steps should be taken like two to two and one-half, etc.  Another mistake, when indigestion symptoms show the food is not reduced quickly enough; reduce the food immediately by at least one-half.

[All about baby 591]

How to prepare cows’ milk at home; what is needed?  Feeding bottles, rubber nipples, an eight-ounce graduated measuring glass, a glass funnel, a brush for bottles, cotton, alcohol lamp, a tall quart cup for warming bottles of milk, a pitcher for mixing food, a wide mouthed bottle of boric acid and one of bicarbonate of soda, a pasteurizer, and later a double boiler for cooking cereals will be needed.

What kind of bottles shall I buy?  A cylindrical graduated bottle with a wide neck holding about 8 ounces.  This makes washing them easier.  You should have as many bottles for use as the baby takes meals a day (ten at first).

How shall I care for the bottles?  Rinse them, as soon as the child is through nursing, with cold water, and let stand filled with cold water and a little bicarbonate of soda in the water.  Before using them again wash them thoroughly with the bottle brush and hot soap suds and place them for twenty minutes in boiling water.

What kind of nipples are best?  Straight ones which slip over the neck of the bottle, of black rubber, and the hole should only be large enough for the milk to drop rapidly when the bottle is held upside down.

How shall I care for the nipples?  Boil new ones for five minutes at first.  After using rinse them carefully in cold water and keep them covered in a glass containing a solution of borax or boric acid.  Turn them inside out once a day and wash thoroughly with soap and water.

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.