Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Chamomilla 2X dil.  Spasms during teething, screaming, tossing, restless sleep, irritable cross children.

Cina 1X dil.  Two drops every half hour.  When caused by worms.

Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form).  When caused by indigestion from a hearty meal; constipated bowels.

St. Vitusdance (Chorea).—­Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form) emaciated, tired girls, weak.

Belladonna 3X dil. suited to rugged looking girls, with rush of blood to the head.

Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form) constipated, stomach bad.

Pulsatilla 3X dil.  For blonde girls, menstrual troubles.

Sepia 6X trit. (tablet form).  For brunettes, menstrual troubles.

Neuritis (Inflammation of the Nerves).—­Aconite 2X dil. when caused from cold or congestion.

Belladonna 3X dil. sore to touch and movement.

Arnica 2X dil. when caused by injury,

Rhus tox ex trit. (tablet form) when caused by strain.

Neuralgia or pain in the nerves, Tic douloreux infra-orbital.  Facial, intercostal, sciatic, etc.

Aconite 3X dil. when caused by cold, fever, hot dry skin.

Belladonna 3X dil.  Beating throbbing pain, red parts, faceache, pain in the eyeballs, bright eyes.

Arsenicum 3X trit. tablet form.  Periodical in character, burning pain, relieved temporarily by heat, aggravated by cold.

[Homeopathy 463]

Toothache.—­Aconite 2X dil.  Fever, heat, and from cold or wet.

Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form) when cold brings on a paroxysm or aggravates the pain.

Belladonna 3X dil.  Throbbing pain, great in extent, aggravated by heat.

Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet form).  Hollow teeth, ulcerated, feel too long.

Pulsatilla 3X dil.  Persons of blonde type, menstrual troubles.

Sciatica.—­Rhus tox 6X trit. (tablet form).  Pains better on motion, must move.

Bryonia 2X dil. must keep quiet.

Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form) restless, burning, shooting pains.

Lumbago.—­Rhus tox 6X trit. (tablet form).

Bryonia 2X dil.

Palpitation of the heart.—­Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form) from over eating, drinking, sedentary life.

Pulsatilla 3X dil.  Blondes who have menstrual troubles also when caused by fat greasy foods.

Sepia 6X trit. (tablet form).  Brunette type, womb troubles.

Eyes, Simple Inflammation of.—­Aconite 2X dil.  First stage.

Belladonna 3X dil.  Second stage.

Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet form) when there is a thick discharge.

Eyes, weak and watery.—­Ruta 3X dil. (may need glasses).

Eyes, stye on lids.  Pulsatilla 3X dil.  Four times daily.

Ears, boils in the canal.—­Belladonna 3X dil. hourly doses.

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.