Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Antidotes:  Solution of tannic acid, twenty drops to a glass of water, to wash out the stomach.

Treatment.—­Stimulants, whisky or brandy; digitalis, artificial respiration, warmth and friction of the body.  Lie in recumbent position.

Alcohol.  Symptoms.—­Stupid, confused, giddy, staggers, drowsy, but can be aroused; full pulse, deep snoring, respiration, injected eyes, dilated pupils, low temperature.

Emetics.—­Strong hot coffee, inhale amyl nitrite; hot and cold douches.

Ammonia.  Symptoms.—­Intense inflammation of the stomach and bowels, often with bloody vomiting and purging; lips and tongue swollen; violent difficulty in breathing; characteristic odor.

Antidotes.—­Lemon juice and water, vinegar and water half and half.

Treatment.—­Milk, soothing drinks; sweet oil or castor oil, bland drinks like flaxseed tea, slippery elm, albumen (white of egg) water.  The oil should be used last.

Antimony.  Symptoms.—­Metallic taste, violent vomiting, becoming bloody, feeble pulse; pain and burning in the stomach.  Violent watery purging, becoming bloody; cramps in the extremities, thirst, great weakness; sometimes prostration, collapse, unconsciousness.

Antidotes.—­Tannic acid, twenty drops to a glass of water.

[402 Mothersremedies]

Treatment.—­Soothing drinks, milk, white of egg and water, flaxseed tea, etc.; external heat.

Arsenic, Symptoms.—­Violent burning in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, retching, thirst, purging of blood and mucus, suppressed urine, cramps in the legs, intense thirst, collapse.

Antidotes.—­Jeaunel’s antidote.

Treatment.—­Emetics freely, mustard water, salt and warm water, goose grease, etc.  White of egg and milk, and then sweet oil or castor oil.

Arsenical poisoning, Chronic Cases, Causes.—­Inhaling arsenic from dyes, in wall-paper, carpet, etc, Taking it in by the mouth in handling dyed paper, artificial flowers, etc., and in many fabrics employed as clothing.  The glazed green and red papers used in the kindergartens also contain arsenic.  The drug given in repeated and excessive doses causes poisoning sometimes.

Symptoms.—­Dry throat, watery swelling of the eyelids, sometimes coryza, nausea, burning vomiting, and burning watery diarrhea; skin eruptions, falling off of the hair, paralysis of the arms and legs, with wasting and numbness, but little pain, The legs are most affected, causing steppage gait.

Treatment.—­Remove the cause in these chronic cases and treat the symptoms.  It may be best for a physician to prescribe treatment.

Atropine.  Symptoms.—­Flushed face, red eyes, throbbing head, pulse fast, dizzy, staggering, hot and dry throat, dilated pupils, scarlet rash on the skin.  Patient may be delirious and wildly so.

Antidotes.—­Tannic acid, twenty drops in glass of water.  Emetics to produce vomiting, such as mustard water, salt and warm water, goose grease, vaselin, etc.

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.