Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

[Transcriber’s Note:  From the Mayo Clinic (2005):  1.  Get out of the cold. 2.  Warm hands by tucking them into your armpits.  If your nose, ears or face is frostbitten, warm the area by covering it with dry, gloved hands. 3.  Don’t rub the affected area, especially with snow. 4.  If there’s any chance of refreezing, don’t thaw out the affected areas.  If they’re already thawed out, wrap them up so they don’t refreeze. 5.  Get emergency medical help if numbness remains during warming.  If you can’t get help immediately, warm severely frostbitten hands or feet in warm—­not hot—­water.]

Bunions.—­This is a lump over a joint usually of the big toe, usually due to pressure and a wrong position of the surfaces of the joint.

Mothersremedies.—­1.  Bunions, Remedy from Your Flower Garden.—­“Peel the outside skin from the leaf of ‘Live Forever’ and apply as a poultice.  Repeat until cured.  This is a very good remedy and one that should be tried if you are troubled with bunions or corns.”

[96 Mothersremedies]

2.  Bunions, A Cure for.—­

“Tincture of Iodine       2 drams
Tincture of Belladonna    2 drams

Apply twice a day with camel’s hair brush.”

This mixture when applied will have a drawing effect, and care should be taken not to leave it on too long, as it will irritate the parts and make it very sore.

3.  Bunions, Iodine for.—­“Apply tincture of iodine to the bunion night and morning.  This will reduce size; if used at first will entirely remove.”

4.  Bunions, Tested Remedy for.—­“Take about one teaspoonful salicylic acid in two tablespoons of lard, and apply night and morning.  Before doing this apply adhesive plasters to the affected parts.”  This is a standard remedy.

Physicianstreatment for Bunions.—­Rest of the part, cold applications and liniments.

Chilblains. (Erythema Pernio).—­This occurs usually in people with a feeble circulation or scrofulous constitution, usually seen in the young or very old.  The redness shows most, as a rule, on the hands and feet.  The redness may be either a light or dusky shade.  It itches and burns especially when near artificial heat.  The redness disappears on pressure, and the parts are cool rather than hot.  It is an inflammation that follows freezing or a frost-bite.  It may return for years at the return of cold weather.

Mothersremedies. 1.  Chilblains, a Cure for.—­“Equal parts of extract of rosemary and turpentine.  Apply night and morning until cured.”  The rosemary is very soothing, and the turpentine creates a drawing sensation.  It has cured many cases of chilblains.

2.  Chilblains, Witch-hazel for.—­“Bathe feet in lukewarm water and soda and apply carbolized witch-hazel.”  This remedy is very soothing, and always give relief.

3.  Broken Chilblains, Ointment for.—­

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.