The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 178 pages of information about The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance.

The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 178 pages of information about The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance.

    78A.  Allegory of Music.  L.
    96.  Crucifixion with Virgin and St. Francis.  L.
    101.  Madonna. 
    Fragment of Fresco:  Head of Youth in black cap, with brown curls. 
    S. DOMENICO, CHAPEL R. OF HIGH ALTAR.  Marriage of St. Catherine.
    Meeting of Joachim and Anne.  L.
    ACADEMY, 89.  St. Mary of Egypt.
    91.  St. Jerome.
    93.  The Baptist.
    98.  Deposition (finished by Perugino). 
    PITTI, 336.  Allegorical Subject. 
    UFFIZI, 286.  Fresco:  Portrait of Himself.  E.
    1167.  Fresco:  Old Man.  E.
    1257.  Adoration of Magi. 1496.
    1268.  Madonna and Saints. 1486. 
    PALAZZO CORSINI. Tondo:  Madonna and Angels.  E.
    MR. HERBERT P. HORNE.  Christ on Cross.  L.
    PALAZZO TORRIGIANI.  Bust of Youth. 
    S. AMBROGIO, NICHE L. Monochromes:  Angels, and medallions in
        predella.  L.
    BADIA.  Vision of St. Bernard with Piero di Francesco del Pugliese
        as Donor.  Soon after 1480. 
    CARMINE, BRANCACCI CHAPEL.  Completion of Masaccio’s Frescoes. 1484. 
        Angel delivering St. Peter; Paul visiting Peter in Prison; Peter
        and Paul before the Proconsul; Martyrdom of Peter; (in the
        “Raising of the King’s Son”) the group of four men on the
        extreme L.; the Boy; and eight men and a child in a row. 
    S. MARIA NOVELLA, STROZZI CHAPEL.  Frescoes:  Episodes from Lives of
        Evangelist and St. Philip, etc.  Finished 1502. 
    S. SPIRITO.  Madonna and Saints, with Tanai di Nerli and his Wife. 
    VILLA REALE DI POGGIO A CAJANO (near Florence), PORCH.  Fragment of
    PALAZZO BIANCO, SALA V, 30.  Madonna and Saints. 1503. 
    PROF.  MARTIUS.  Madonna. 
Lewes (Sussex). 
    MR. E. P. WARREN. Tondo:  Holy Family and St. Margaret. 
    293.  Madonna with SS.  Jerome and Dominic.
    927.  Angel adoring. 
    MR. ROBERT BENSON.  Dead Christ. 
    SIR HENRY SAMUELSON.  Moses striking the Rock.  Adoration of Golden
    SIR JULIUS WERNHER.  Madonna.  L.
    S. MICHELE, FIRST ALTAR R. SS.  Helena, Jerome, Sebastian, and Roch. 
    Annunciation, with Baptist and St. Andrew.  E.
New Haven (U.  S. A.). 
    JARVES COLLECTION, 81.  Christ on Cross. 
    CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY.  Centaur; on back, unfinished allegorical
    MUNICIPIO, 16.  Madonna with Baptist and St. Stephen. 1503. 
    Fresco in TABERNACLE ON STREET CORNER:  Madonna and Saints. 1498. 
    S. MARIA SOPRA MINERVA, CARAFFA CHAPEL.  Annunciation.  Frescoes: 
        Triumph of St. Thomas Aquinas; Assumption of Virgin. 1489-1493. 
St. Petersburg. 

Project Gutenberg
The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.