The Cornet of Horse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 384 pages of information about The Cornet of Horse.

The Cornet of Horse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 384 pages of information about The Cornet of Horse.

“It is a useful thing against such a foe as this,” Rupert said, putting it on at once.  “I could not wear it in battle, for it would be an unfair advantage; but against an assassin all arms are fair.”

During the day Rupert went out with his host, and the scowling looks which were turned upon the latter convinced him that the merchant had not exaggerated the extent to which the feeling of the lower class had been excited against him.  So convinced was he of the danger of the position, that, to the immense surprise of Hugh and Joe Sedley, he ordered them to lie down at night in their clothes, with their swords and pistols ready by them.  With eight armed men in the house—­for four of the porters engaged in the merchant’s warehouse slept on truckle beds placed in the hall—­Rupert thought that they ought to be able to repel any assault which might be made.

It was on the fourth night after Rupert’s coming to Dort, that he was aroused by a touch on his shoulder.  He leapt to his feet, and his hand, as he did so, grasped his sword, which lay ready beside him.

“What is it?” he exclaimed.

“There is mischief afloat,” Van Duyk said.  “There is a sound as of a crowd in front of the house.  I have heard the tramp of many footsteps.”

Rupert went to the window and looked out.  The night was dark, and the oil lamps had all been extinguished; but it seemed to him that a confused mass filled the place in which the house stood.

“Let me get the men under arms,” he said, “and then we can open the window, and ask what they want.”

In two minutes he returned.

“Now, sir, let us ask them at once.  They are probably waiting for a leader or order.”

The merchant went to the window, and threw it open.

“Who is there?” he asked.  “And what means this gathering at the door of a peaceful citizen?”

As if his voice had been the signal for which they waited, a roar went up from the immense crowd.  A thunder of axes at the door and shutters, and a great shout arose, “Death to the traitor!  Death to the Frenchmen!”

Shots were fired at the windows, and at the same moment the alarm bell at the top of the house pealed loudly out, one of the serving men having previously received order to sound the signal if needed.  In answer to the alarm bell, the watchman on the tower, whose duty it was to call the citizens from their beds in case of fire, struck the great bell, and its deep sounds rang out over the town.  Two minutes later the church bells joined in the clamour; and the bell on the town hall with quick, sharp strokes called the burgher guard to arms.

Van Duyk, knowing now that all that could be done had been effected, ran to his daughter’s room, bade her dress, and keep her door locked until she heard his voice, come what may.  Then he ran downstairs to join the defenders below.

“The shutters are giving everywhere,” Rupert cried.  “We must hold this broad staircase.  How long will it be, think you, before the burgher guard are here?”

Project Gutenberg
The Cornet of Horse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.