Principles of Teaching eBook

Adam S. Bennion
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 196 pages of information about Principles of Teaching.

Principles of Teaching eBook

Adam S. Bennion
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 196 pages of information about Principles of Teaching.

An officer of the British army, in recounting those experiences which had come to him in the recent world war, and which he said he never could forget, referred to one which more than compensated him for all the effort he had ever put into his preparation for teaching.  Because of his position in the army it became his duty to discipline a group of boys for what in the army is a serious offense.  In that group was a boy who had formerly been a pupil under the officer in one of our ward organizations.  Chagrin was stamped on the face of the boy as he came forward for reprimand.  Regret and remorse were in the heart of the officer.  They soon gave way to pride, however, as the boy assured him that worse than any punishment was the humiliation of being brought before his own teacher, and he further assured him that never again would he do a thing that would mar the sacred relations of pupil and teacher.

A further compensation attached to teaching is that of inspirational companionship.  It is a blessed privilege to enjoy the sunshine of youth.  Every pupil contributes an association with one of God’s choice spirits.  To live and work with children and adolescents is one of the finest of safeguards against old age.  The teacher not only partakes of the joy of his group—­they constitute him a link between his generation and theirs.  Their newness of life, their optimism, their spontaneity, their joy, they gladly pass on to their teacher.

Moreover, the teacher enjoys the uplifting associations of his fellow teachers.  Among those consecrated to a noble service, there is a spirit unknown to him who has not enjoyed such communion.  Whether he is conscious of it or not, the teacher responds to the pull of such a group.  Scores of teachers have testified that the associations they have enjoyed as members of a local board, stake board, or general board, are among the happiest of their lives.

And finally there is the contentment of mind that comes as a result of a duty well done.  The human soul is so constituted that any task well performed brings a feeling of satisfaction, and this is doubly heightened when the duty performed is of the nature of a free will offering.  Still more so when it is shared in by others to their blessing.  Just as we hope for an eventual crowning under the blessing, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant,” so we treasure those benedictions along the way that attend the discharge of a sacred obligation.

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1.  Quote some of the promises of the Lord to those who do His will.

2.  How is teaching one of the surest guarantees of the blessings of eternal life?

3.  What are the immediate joys attached to teaching?

4.  Discuss the application to teaching of the truth—­“He who loses his life shall find it.”

Project Gutenberg
Principles of Teaching from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.