Principles of Teaching eBook

Adam S. Bennion
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 196 pages of information about Principles of Teaching.

Principles of Teaching eBook

Adam S. Bennion
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 196 pages of information about Principles of Teaching.

The Classroom Teacher
    Strayer and Englehardt American Book Co., New York.

The Recitation
    Betts Houghton-Mifflin Co., New York.

    Pillsbury MacMillan Co., New York.

Religious Education in the Family
    Cope University of Chicago Press.

Classroom Method and Management
    Betts Bobbs, Merrill Co., Indianapolis.

Classroom Management
    Bagley MacMillan Co., New York.


Obvious printing errors were repaired; these changes are listed below.

Chapter I “a Church built upon revelation” Corrected typo:  “builded”

Chapter VI “using an average of thirty-two minutes”
              Corrected typo:  “mintues”

“their employees that they subscribe regularly”
Corrected typo:  “reguarly”

Chapter VII “A Child’s characteristics—­his”
              Corrected typo:  “charactertistics”

“These organic, vital activities”
Corrected typo:  “acitivities”

“All nuerones have”
“nuerones must be active”
Corrected typos:  “neurones”

Chapter VIII “method of rewards and punishment;”
              Corrected typo:  “punishment:” 

“will be found an interesting tabulation”
Corrected typo:  “tabluation”

“few of them can safely be developed”
Corrected typo:  “devoloped”

Chapter IX “wasn’t worrying about what he was”
              Corrected typo:  “worying”

“concerning which there may be some uncertainty.” 
Corrected typo:  “uncertainty?”

Chapter X “group themselves with a certain uniformity”
              Corrected typo:  “cerain”

“indicate that there is little”
Corrected typo:  “their is”

“sent his way than the cheerful one”
Corrected typo:  “cheeful”

Chapter XIII “Let the scriptures testify”
              Corrected typo:  “sciptures”

“Consider the case of the Son”
Corrected typo:  “case of of the Son”

Chapter XIV “is so significant when understood”
              Corrected typo:  “signficant”

“going back some two thousand years”
Corrected typo:  “thouand”

Chapter XVI “the silent inspiration of that picture”
              Corrected typo:  “pciture”

Chapter XIX “the statement, “The best method is a variety of methods."”
              Closing quote missing in original

Chapter XX “map out their work so carefully”
              Corrected typo:  “map our”

Chapter XXI “a.  The review question;”
              Corrected typo:  “question:” 

Project Gutenberg
Principles of Teaching from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.