Herzegovina eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Herzegovina.

Herzegovina eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Herzegovina.

The defences of Sebenico consist of three small forts:  St. Nicholas, containing seventeen mounted guns, is at the entrance of the bay, while San Giovanni and Santa Anna, situated on rising ground, command the town, harbour, and land approaches.  The precise number of guns which they contain, I was unable to learn.  The very meagre character of the information which I am in a position to impart on these subjects requires, I am aware, some apology.  The difficulty of obtaining it during the short stay of a steamer must be my excuse.  May it be accepted!

September 2.—­Steamed into the port of Spalatro at 10.30 A.M.  There is both an outer and inner harbour, the latter affording a good anchorage to vessels of any burden; yet, notwithstanding this, we were compelled, for the first time since leaving Trieste, to lie off at some distance from the quay.  The origin of Spalatro dates from the building of the palace of Diocletian in 303, A.D.  This glorious pile, however much it may offend against the rules of architecture, is well entitled to rank among the noblest monuments of imperial Rome.  Its mammoth proportions, the novelty of conception evinced in many parts, together with its extraordinary state of preservation, render it alike unique, while the circumstances connected with its building impart to it an unusual interest.  Wearied with the affairs of state, Diocletian retired to Salona, where he passed the remaining nine years of his life in profound seclusion.  Of the use to which he applied his wealth during that period, a record still exists in the golden gate and the Corinthian columns which decorate that regal abode; while we learn what were his pursuits from his own memorable reply to Maximian, when urged by him to reassume the purple.  ’Utinam Salonis olera nostris manibus insita invisere posses, de resumando imperio non judicares;’ or, as it has been somewhat freely translated by Gibbon—­’If I could show you the cabbages I have planted with my own hands at Salona, you would no longer urge me to relinquish the enjoyment of happiness for the pursuit of power.’[A]

Nor has nature been less bountiful than man to this most favoured spot.  The description given by Adams conveys a very accurate impression of the character of the surrounding country.  ’The soil is dry and fertile, the air pure and wholesome, and, though extremely hot during the summer months, the country seldom feels those sultry and noxious winds to which the coasts of Istria and some parts of Italy are exposed.  The views from the palace are no less beautiful than the soil and climate are inviting.  Towards the W. lies the fertile shore that stretches along the Adriatic, in which a number of small islands are scattered in such a manner as to give this part of the sea the appearance of a great lake.  On the N. side lies the bay, which led to the ancient city of Salona, and the country beyond it appearing in sight forms a proper contrast to that more extensive

Project Gutenberg
Herzegovina from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.