The Odyssey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 498 pages of information about The Odyssey.
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The Odyssey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 498 pages of information about The Odyssey.

So he spake, and Melanthius soon kindled the never-resting fire, and drew up a settle and placed it near, and put a fleece thereon, and he brought forth a great ball of lard that was within.  Therewith the young men warmed the bow, and made essay, but could not string it, for they were greatly lacking of such might.  And Antinous still held to the task and godlike Eurymachus, chief men among the wooers, who were far the most excellent of all.

But those other twain went forth both together from the house, the neatherd and the swineherd of godlike Odysseus; and Odysseus passed out after them.  But when they were now gotten without the gates and the courtyard, he uttered his voice and spake to them in gentle words: 

’Neatherd and thou swineherd, shall I say somewhat or keep it to myself?  Nay, my spirit bids me declare it.  What manner of men would ye be to help Odysseus, if he should come thus suddenly, I know not whence, and some god were to bring him?  Would ye stand on the side of the wooers or of Odysseus?  Tell me even as your heart and spirit bid you.’

Then the neatherd answered him, saying:  ’Father Zeus, if but thou wouldst fulfil this wish:  {*}—­oh, that that man might come, and some god lead him hither!  So shouldest thou know what my might is, and how my hands follow to obey.’

{* Placing a colon at [Greek]}

In like manner Eumaeus prayed to all the gods that wise
Odysseus might return to his own home.

Now when he knew for a surety what spirit they were of, once more he answered and spake to them, saying: 

’Behold, home am I come, even I; after much travail and sore am I come in the twentieth year to mine own country.  And I know how that my coming is desired by you alone of all my thralls, for from none besides have I heard a prayer that I might return once more to my home.  And now I will tell you all the truth, even as it shall come to pass.  If the god shall subdue the proud wooers to my hands, I will bring you each one a wife, and will give you a heritage of your own and a house builded near to me, and ye twain shall be thereafter in mine eyes as the brethren and companions of Telemachus.  But behold, I will likewise show you a most manifest token, that ye may know me well and be certified in heart, even the wound that the boar dealt me with his white tusk long ago, when I went to Parnassus with the sons of Autolycus.’

Therewith he drew aside the rags from the great scar.  And when the twain had beheld it and marked it well, they cast their arms about the wise Odysseus, and fell a weeping; and kissed him lovingly on head and shoulders.  And in like manner Odysseus too kissed their heads and hands.  And now would the sunlight have gone down upon their sorrowing, had not Odysseus himself stayed them saying: 

Project Gutenberg
The Odyssey from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.