Finished eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Finished.

Finished eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about Finished.

“King,” I answered, “I do not know for certain.  But if the Zulus can muster fifty thousand spears, the Queen, if there be need, can send against them ten times fifty thousand, and if she grows angry, another ten times fifty, every one armed with a rifle that will fire five bullets a minute, and to accompany the soldiers, hundreds of cannon whereof a single shot would give Ulundi to the flames.  Out of the sea they will come, shipload after shipload, white men from where the sun sets and black men from where the sun rises, so many that Zululand would not hold them.”

Now at these words, which I delivered as grandly as I could, something like a groan burst from the Council, though one man cried—­

“Do not listen to the white traitor, O King, who is sent here to turn our hearts to water with his lies.”

“Macumazahn may lie to us,” went on Cetewayo, “though in the past none in the land have ever known him to lie, but he was not sent to do so, for I brought him here.  For my part I do not believe that he lies.  I believe that these English are as many as the pebbles in a river bed, and that to them Natal, yes, and all the Cape is but as a single, outlying cattle kraal, one cattle kraal out of a hundred.  Did not Sompseu once tell us that they were countless, on that day when he came many years ago after the battle of the Tugela to name me to succeed my father Panda, the day when my faction, the Usutu, roared round him for hours like a river in flood, and he sat still like a rock in the centre of a river?  Also I am minded of the words that Chaka said when Dingaan and Umbopa had stabbed him and he lay dying at the kraal Duguza, that although the dogs of his own House whom his hand fed, had eaten him up, he heard the sound of the running of the feet of a great white people that should stamp them and the Zulus flat.”

He paused; and the silence was so intense that the crackling of Zikali’s fire, which kept on burning brightly although I saw no fuel added to it, sounded quite loud.  Presently it was broken, first by a dog near at hand, howling horribly at the moon, and next by the hooting of a great owl that flitted across the donga, the shadow of its wide wings falling for a moment on the king.

“Listen!” exclaimed Cetewayo, “a dog that howls!  Methinks that it stands upon the roof of the House of Senzangacona.  And an owl that hoots.  Methinks that owl has its nest in the world of Spirits!  Are these good omens, Councillors?  I trow not.  I say that I will not decide this matter of peace or war.  If there is one of my own blood here who will do so, come, let him take my place and let me go away to my own lordship of Gikazi that I had when I was a prince before the witch Mameena who played with all men and loved but one”—­here everybody turned and stared towards me, yes, even Zikali whom nothing else had seemed to move, till I wished that the ground would swallow me up—­“caused the war between me and my brother Umbelazi whose blood earth will not swallow nor suns dry—­”

Project Gutenberg
Finished from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.