The Haunted Hour eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 165 pages of information about The Haunted Hour.

The Haunted Hour eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 165 pages of information about The Haunted Hour.

Far-Away Country, The, xiv
Fair Margaret’s Misfortunes, 220
Featherstone’s Doom, 73
Fetch, The, 179
Fireflies, 132
Flying Dutchman, The, 61
Flying Dutchman of Tappan Zee, 68
Fog Wraiths, 76
Folk of the Air, The, 199
Forgotten Soul, The, 8
Freneau, Philip, 44

Garrison, Theodosia, 6, 7, 24, 28, 137, 187
Ghost, The, 107
Ghost, The, 155
Ghosts, 135
Ghosts of the Argonne, 56
Ghost’s Petition, The, 166
Gillington, Alice E., 185
Grey Ghost, The, 42
Guiterman, Arthur, 68, 111

Hallows’ E’en, 13
Harte, Bret, 124
Haunted, 130
Haunted, 134
Haunted, 144
Haunted, 153
Haunted Houses, 120
Hawker, Robert Stephen, 73, 188
He and She, 169
Highwayman, The, 157
Hood, Thomas, 84, 103, 107, 109
Housman, A.E., 152
Howells, Mildred, 76
Humphreys, Louisa, 16

Indian Burying Ground, The, 44
Ingelow, Jean, 149
Ingoldsby Penance, 87
Irving, Minna, 143

Janet’s Tryst, 10

Keith of Ravelston, 178
Kendall, May, 126
Kilmer, Aline, 151
Kilmer, Joyce, 70, 112, 114
Kingsley, Charles, 65
Kipling, Rudyard, 40

Lake of the Dismal Swamp, The, 66
Legend, A, 126
Legend of Hamilton Tighe, 80
Leland, Charles Godfrey, 61
Letts, Winifred M., 13
Listeners, 119
Little Dead Child, The, 25
Little Ghost, The, 22
Little Ghost, The, 133
Little Green Orchard, The, 131
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 61, 120, 122, 189
Looking-glass, The, 40
Lowell, Amy, 130
Luke Havergal, 156
Lyke-Wake Dirge, A, 231

Macdonald, George, 10
Marquis, Don, 144
Martin, 114
Mary Shepherdess, 21
Mary’s Ghost, 109
Masefield, John, 79
Mawgan of Melhuach, 188
Midnight Visitor, A, 128
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 133
Mitchell, Ruth Comfort, 57
Moore, Thomas, 66
Morris, William, 163
Mother’s Ghost, The, 189
My Laddie’s Hounds, 33

Neighbors, The, 6
Newbolt, Henry, 41
Newport Romance, A, 124
Night at Gettysburg, 51
November Eleventh, 57
Noyes, Alfred, 157

Old House, The, 35
On Kingston Bridge, 14
One Out-of-doors, 149
Open Door, The, 32

Passer-by, 141
Phantom Light of the Baie des Chaleurs, The, 63
Phantom Ship, The, 61
Piatt, Sarah, 149
Pickthall, Marjorie L.C., 21
Pompey’s Ghost, 103
Priest’s Brother, The, 203

Quiller-Couch, Arthur T., 154

Ramsay, A. Margaret, 201
Reconciliation, The, 201
Reese, Lizette Woodworth, 3
Return, The, 143
Rhys, Ernest, 39
Rice, Grantland, 56
Riders, The, 52
Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 156
Room’s Width, 144
Rossetti, Christina, 141, 142, 166

Sailing Beyond Seas, 149
Sands of Dee, The, 65
Schauffler, Robert Haven, 53
Scott, Sir Walter, 212
Sea Ghosts, 74
Seitz, Don C., 51
Seven Whistlers, 185
Shorter, Dora Sigerson, 9, 179, 183, 203
Song of Soldiers, The, 49
Stuart, G.B., 153
Such Are the Souls in Purgatory, 29
Superstitious Ghost, The, 111
Supper Superstition, 84
Sweet William’s Ghost, 222

Project Gutenberg
The Haunted Hour from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.