A School History of the Great War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 164 pages of information about A School History of the Great War.

A School History of the Great War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 164 pages of information about A School History of the Great War.
SUGGESTIONS FOR STUDY.—­1.  Define cantonment; camp; barracks; army post.  Describe the insignia of different grades of officers in the army and in the navy.  Find some fact about General Pershing; about Admiral Sims.  What is meant by propaganda?  What is an alien enemy? 2.  On a map of the United States mark the chief camps and cantonments.  Locate the chief shipbuilding centers. 3.  Make a collection of Food Saving notices and of literature and posters about Liberty Loans and War Savings Stamps.  Make copies with names and dates of interesting letters from the front. 4.  Collect pictures of shipbuilding and of transporting food to Europe. 5.  Why did the navy go first to Europe? 6.  How does the draft put a man into the army? 7.  What factories near your home have done war work? 8.  In what ways can a boy or girl save food? 9.  Name five things on which you have to pay a war tax. 10.  What can a boy or girl do for the Junior Red Cross? 11.  Why do clothes and shoes cost more than before the war? 12.  Why are some alien enemies put into prison or into detention camps?
REFERENCES.—­National Service Handbook (C.P.I.); President’s Flag Day Address with Evidence of Germany’s Plans (C.P.I.); Pamphlets from National Food Administrator; Pamphlets from National Fuel Administrator; American Red Cross, Teachers Manual; German Plots and Intrigues (C.P.I.); Conquest and Kultur (C.P.I.); the World Almanac.



There are two kinds of problems which must be solved by the American people before permanent peace conditions can be established.  One group of problems is composed of international questions, largely pertaining to the European states, but in which the United States is vitally interested.  The other group of problems relates to the restoration of our people and industries to a peace condition.  On some points these two groups of problems are closely related and cannot be settled separately.  Some internal questions will have to be viewed in the light of world affairs; and some international problems must be given solutions which will have influences within our own country.  Ignoring the overlapping of the two groups, we shall study the problems of peace in this chapter under two headings:  (1) national problems; (2) international problems.


Among the many internal problems which the country will face at the close of the war, and to which every American should to-day be giving his earnest thought, the following are specially important.

GETTING THE MEN HOME.—­Even while engaged in the task of getting every available man to the fighting line in Europe, the American authorities have found time to think of the return movement.  It will be a great undertaking, requiring many months, to see that each man reaches American shores and after his dismissal is safely sent to his home town.

Project Gutenberg
A School History of the Great War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.