The Black Box eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 389 pages of information about The Black Box.

The Black Box eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 389 pages of information about The Black Box.

Quest, whose arm was in a sling but who was otherwise none the worse for his recent adventure, pointed out of the tent.

“Don’t you believe it, Professor,” he begged.  “I’ve been listening to every word.  But say, Lenora, just look at Laura and French!”

They all three peered anxiously out of the opening of the tent.  Laura and the Inspector were very slowly approaching the cook wagon.  Laura was carrying a large bunch of wild flowers, one of which she was in the act of fastening in French’s buttonhole.

“That fellow French has got grit,” Quest declared.  “He sticks to it all the time.  He’ll win out with Laura in the end, you mark my words.”

“I hope he will,” Lenora said.  “She’s a dear girl, although she has got an idea into her head that she hates men and love-making.  I think the Inspector’s just the man for her.”

The two had paused outside the cook wagon.  Laura held out the flowers to the Chinaman.

“Can’t you find me a bowl for these?” she asked.

He looked slowly up at her.

“No bowlee for flowers,” he answered.  “All want for eatee.”

Laura leaned over and shook him by the shoulder.

“Well, I’ll eatee off the ground,” she said.  “Give me a bowl, you slant-eyed old idiot.”

“Why don’t you obey the lady?” French intervened.

Very slowly the Chinaman rose to his feet, disappeared inside the cook wagon and reappeared with a basin, which he handed to Laura.  She thanked him carelessly, and they passed on.  From where they stood, both Quest and Lenora saw the look which for a moment flashed from the Chinaman’s eyes.  Lenora shivered.

“I’ll be glad when we get away from here,” she declared, clinging to Quest’s arm.  “That Chinaman hates Laura like poison, and I’m afraid of him.”

Quest nodded.

“She does seem to have put his back up,” he agreed.  “As to going on, I think we might just as well move tomorrow.  My arm’s all right.”

“And I’m quite well,” Lenora asserted eagerly.

“We’ve wired for them to meet Craig,” Quest said.  “I only hope they don’t let him slip through their fingers.  I haven’t much faith in his promise to turn up at the Professor’s.  Let’s see what Laura and French have to say.”

“Can’t see any sense in staying on here any longer,” was French’s immediate decision, “so long as you two invalids feel that you can stand the journey.  Besides, we’re using up these fellows’ hospitality.”

“We’ll get everything in order to-night,” Laura decided, “and start first thing to-morrow.”

They busied themselves for the next hour or two in making preparations.  After their evening meal, the two men walked with Lenora and Laura to their tent.

“I think you girls had better go to bed,” Quest suggested.  “Try and get a long night’s sleep.”

“That’s all very well,” French remarked, “but it’s only eight o’clock.  What about a stroll, Miss Laura, just up to the ridge?”

Project Gutenberg
The Black Box from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.