The Colonel of the Red Huzzars eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 281 pages of information about The Colonel of the Red Huzzars.

The Colonel of the Red Huzzars eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 281 pages of information about The Colonel of the Red Huzzars.

“Then let us avoid the personal.”

“I will do anything to preserve the peace,” I said—­“and be shown those other rides.”

“The peace depends entirely upon yourself.”

“And the rides?”

She studied her gloves a bit.  “They depend upon your good behavior and—­the future.”  And now, something of the old sweetness was in her smile.

“Then the rides are sure,” I said.  “Come, let us give the horses a chance to stretch themselves.”

We pulled up at the Old Forge; a smithy long deserted and now almost hidden beneath vines and undergrowth.  It lay at the crossways of two roads—­like a log on a saw-buck—­and our route was around it to the left.  Just beside the track a spring bubbled out into a wide rock basin.  At the basin a tall bay horse was drinking; and in the saddle, with hands clasped around the pommel, sat the Princess Dehra, so deep in thought she did not note our approach.

It was the horse who aroused her by the nervous upward fling of his head.  Then she held out her hand to Lady Helen—­and gave me a smile.

“I am not the only one, then, who likes the early morning?” she said.

“It’s the cream of the day,” said Lady Helen.

“Rather the champagne of the day,” the Princess answered.  Then she laughed.  “I forgot, Major Dalberg, it isn’t well to take champagne before breakfast.”

“I prefer coffee, I admit,” said I.

“Are you two going anywhere in particular?” she asked.

“Straight back to town,” said Lady Helen; “don’t you see Major Dalberg wants his breakfast?”

“And your Ladyship?” the Princess questioned.

Lady Helen laughed.  “I am very human, too, I fear.”

“Then, why not breakfast with me at the Summer Palace?” said Dehra.

“We shall be delighted,” said Lady Helen, without even questioning me by a glance.

“Your Royal Highness is too gracious,” I protested.  “I fear I shall——­”

Dehra raised her crop.  “There is only one shaft, sir; you shall come with us.”

So I went; even while my better judgment bade me turn bridle and gallop away.  A man is very helpless with one pretty woman; he is utterly at the mercy of two.

Presently we passed the place where the Princess and I had met six years before.  I glanced across and found her eyes on me.  I nodded toward the spot where I had removed the stone from the mare’s hoof, and she nodded back in answer.

“This is a very charming road,” I said.

“It’s a favorite with Your Highness, is it not?” asked Lady Helen.  “I have often met you on it.”

I affected to be interested in something beside the track.

“Yes, I believe it is,” Dehra answered carelessly.  “It is soft for the horse and little travelled and I enjoy the quiet of the forest.”  Then she deliberately turned and smiled at me.  And Lady Helen saw it.

Project Gutenberg
The Colonel of the Red Huzzars from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.