The Colonel of the Red Huzzars eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 281 pages of information about The Colonel of the Red Huzzars.

The Colonel of the Red Huzzars eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 281 pages of information about The Colonel of the Red Huzzars.

“You are not the first American attache, you know.”

“Nor the last, either,” I replied, and then held my peace, though I saw her hide a smile behind her roses.

“But you are the first that has been my cousin,” she said sweetly,—­and I succumbed, of course.  Yet I was punished promptly, nevertheless, for at the throne she stopped and I led her back to the King.

“May I not have another dance later?” I asked.

She shook her head.  “Don’t you think you have been already favored more than you deserve, cousin?”

“Yes,” said I, “I do; that’s why I am encouraged to ask for more.”

“What a paragon of modesty!” she mocked.

I passed it by.  “And the dance?” I asked.

“I shall dance no more to-night,” she said.  Then we reached the door and found the small room crowded with officials and dignitaries.  The Princess halted sharply.  “But you may take me for a turn on the terrace,” she concluded.

As we crossed the wide floor the crowd fell back,—­but Dehra gave no greeting to anyone, though she must have known all eyes were upon us.  Yet, to give her due credit, she seemed as unconscious of it as if we were alone in the room.  As for me, I admit I was acutely conscious of it, and the walk to the door seemed endless.  I must have shown my relief when it was over, for the Princess looked up with a smile.

“That’s your first trial as one of the Blood,” she said.

“There are compensations,” I answered.

She ignored the point.  “They are very few.”

“Sometimes, one would be ample.”

Again she evaded.  “Yes, the privilege to be as free as the lowest subject,” she answered, instantly.

“Pure theory,” I said.  “The lowest subject would think you mad.”

“I would gladly exchange places,” she said.

“Don’t make any of them the offer.”

“No—­out of regard for my Father I won’t.”

“It’s a great thing to be a Princess Royal,” I ventured.

“Oh, I dare say—­to those who care for great things.”

“Who do not?”

“I don’t.  At least I think I don’t.”

“You would think so only until you were not the Princess Royal.”

“That may be; but, as I am the Princess Royal and cannot well change my birthright, I don’t see how I am to get the chance to think otherwise.”

“It’s better to think you do not like great things when you have them, than to like them and not have them.”

“You make it only a choice of unhappinesses,” she said.

“I make it only life.”

“You are too young to be pessimistic,” she said.

“And you are too fortunate in life to be unhappy,” I answered.

“But you said life was but a choice of unhappinesses.”

“Only to the discontented.”

“Oh!” said she.  “Instead of a pessimist you are a philosopher.”

“I sincerely trust I’m neither.”

Project Gutenberg
The Colonel of the Red Huzzars from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.