Child of Storm eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 337 pages of information about Child of Storm.

Child of Storm eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 337 pages of information about Child of Storm.

I returned my thanks in the usual fashion, adding that I had brought a little present for the King which I would deliver when it pleased him to receive me.  Then I invited Maputa, to whom I also offered some trifle which delighted him very much, to ride with me on the wagon-box till we came to the selected outspan.

This, by the way, proved, to be a very good place indeed, a little valley full of grass for the cattle—­for by the King’s order it had not been grazed—­with a stream of beautiful water running down it.  Moreover it overlooked a great open space immediately in front of the main gate of the town, so that I could see everything that went on and all who arrived or departed.

“You will be comfortable here, Macumazahn,” said Maputa, “during your stay, which we hope will be long, since, although there will soon be a mighty crowd at Nodwengu, the King has given orders that none except your own servants are to enter this valley.”

“I thank the King; but why will there be a crowd, Maputa?”

“Oh!” he answered with a shrug of the shoulders, “because of a new thing.  All the tribes of the Zulus are to come up to be reviewed.  Some say that Cetewayo has brought this about, and some say that it is Umbelazi.  But I am sure that it is the work of neither of these, but of Saduko, your old friend, though what his object is I cannot tell you.  I only trust,” he added uneasily, “that it will not end in bloodshed between the Great Brothers.”

“So Saduko has grown tall, Maputa?”

“Tall as a tree, Macumazahn.  His whisper in the King’s ear is louder than the shouts of others.  Moreover, he has become a ‘self-eater’ [that is a Zulu term which means one who is very haughty].  You will have to wait on him, Macumazahn; he will not wait on you.”

“Is it so?” I answered.  “Well, tall trees are blown down sometimes.”

He nodded his wise old head.  “Yes, Macumazahn; I have seen plenty grow and fall in my time, for at last the swimmer goes with the stream.  Anyhow, you will be able to do a good trade among so many, and, whatever happens, none will harm you whom all love.  And now farewell; I bear your messages to the King, who sends an ox for you to kill lest you should grow hungry in his house.”

That same evening I saw Saduko and the others, as I shall tell.  I had been up to visit the King and give him my present, a case of English table-knives with bone handles, which pleased him greatly, although he did not in the least know how to use them.  Indeed, without their accompanying forks these are somewhat futile articles.  I found the old fellow very tired and anxious, but as he was surrounded by indunas, I had no private talk with him.  Seeing that he was busy, I took my leave as soon as I could, and when I walked away whom should I meet but Saduko.

I saw him while he was a good way off, advancing towards the inner gate with a train of attendants like a royal personage, and knew very well that he saw me.  Making up my mind what to do at once, I walked straight on to him, forcing him to give me the path, which he did not wish to do before so many people, and brushed past him as though he were a stranger.  As I expected, this treatment had the desired effect, for after we had passed each other he turned and said: 

Project Gutenberg
Child of Storm from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.