The Submarine Boys' Lightning Cruise eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 185 pages of information about The Submarine Boys' Lightning Cruise.

The Submarine Boys' Lightning Cruise eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 185 pages of information about The Submarine Boys' Lightning Cruise.

David Pollard was out of hospital in three weeks.  In twice that length of time he felt as well as ever.

Later on, the Pollard Submarine Boat Company received from the United States Government orders for eighteen torpedo boats in all, the “Benson” and “Hastings” included.  One of the new ones, under this order, was named the “Somers.”  The Navy has accepted all three names, and the boats are now known in the service by these names.  Later on the fortunes of the three submarine boys were materially increased by these sales.

One of the first pleasures experienced by David Pollard, after his discharge from hospital, was that of joining the rest of the Farnum party in dining with the members of the naval board and the gunboat’s officers in the messroom of the “Oakland.”

In the course of a little speech after dinner Captain Magowan referred in glowing terms to the splendid work of the submarine boys on that Lightning Cruise, and their success in being first to reach the derelict and torpedo it.

The president of the board was followed by Lieutenant Danvers, who, among other things said: 

“The performances of Captain Benson and of his brother officers on the Pollard boats have, indeed, been wonderful.  ‘Wonderful’ may not be quite the word, but, at this moment, I am so carried away with enthusiasm that I cannot cruise about for mere words.” (Laughter and applause.) “The other day, a naval comrade, in talking with me about the performances of Jack Benson and his friends, told me be considered them to be wizards of the deep.” (More applause.)

“But I took exception to my comrade’s well meant remarks.  A wizard, as we understand one nowadays, is a mere pretender, a sleight-of-hand man—­a jack at cards.  I would offer a more fitting title—­and in all sincerity—­when I allude to Jack Benson, Hal Hastings and Eph Somers as the Young Kings of the Deep!” (Tremendous applause.)

* * * * * * * * * *

Here we will leave the submarine boys briefly, but we shall come upon them again in their next succeeding adventures—­adventures that make a fitting climax, in the next volume, which will be entitled:  “The Submarine Boys for the Flag; Or, Deeding Their Lives to Uncle Sam.”

Project Gutenberg
The Submarine Boys' Lightning Cruise from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.