The Submarine Boys on Duty eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 188 pages of information about The Submarine Boys on Duty.

The Submarine Boys on Duty eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 188 pages of information about The Submarine Boys on Duty.

The “Pollard” now sat jauntily on the water.  Only the upper two feet of her oddly-shaped hull were out of water, neither the bow nor stern showing.  In rough weather the platform deck would be a wet place, indeed; but now, with little wind, and the water only slightly rippling, the deck was drying rapidly under the glare of the hot summer sun.

“I guess we might as well go below and get on dry clothing,” hinted Grant Andrews.

“Is there any such thing aboard?” queried Jack, in surprise.

“Yes, thanks to Mr. Farnum’s thoughtfulness.  Come on; I’ll show you.”

So the four piled below, and, in one of the state-rooms aft, Andrews pointed to a goodly store of clothing, much more than would be needed for the present, and of different sizes, even to shoes.  There were also rough bath towels with which to rub down dry.

“I wonder do I come in on these?” murmured Eph, doubtfully.

“Well, since nothing has been said to the contrary,” laughed Andrews, quietly, “I think I’d be brave enough to try it.  You’re surely as wet as any of us.”

The four were quickly in undershirts and linen.  But the outer suits made the boys wonder a bit.  These suits were dark blue uniforms, the coats braided, and the front buttons hidden by another band of braid.  The caps were of visored naval pattern.

“Say,” asked Eph, looking about him, “I’m only a common sailor, at most.  Ain’t there any common sailor togs lying about?”

“I don’t know where,” smiled Andrews.  “I judge, from the togs, that we’re all to be captains.”

So Eph, with a comical sigh, fitted himself to a uniform and donned it.

“Maybe I’ll have a chance to strut about in this for an hour, until the owner comes aboard and throws me into the water, after stripping me,” murmured Eph, wistfully.

Then, as young Somers caught a glimpse of himself in one of the state-room mirrors, he stood up unaccountably straight, inflating his chest and bulging it out.

They had to go up on deck again.  It all seemed so much like a dream that all hands wanted to get up where they could stare at the hull, the water and at anything else that could make them realize that the “Pollard” was launched and they were aboard.

A boat-load of men soon put out.

“They’re special workmen, coming to finish up on the air-compressors,” explained Grant Andrews.  “We have nothing to do with their work.  All we’ve got to do is to take things easily for the present.”

“I’m going to get busy, if they’ll let me help at anything,” declared Eph.  “When the two bosses come aboard I’m mighty anxious to have them think I look natural here.”

“Are you going to try to join the crew, Eph?” asked Jack, in an undertone.

“Well, I’m not going to be put ashore, except by force,” declared young Somers, wistfully.  “I’ve been dreaming about this old boat for three months back.  Say, I’d give anything I had, even if it was a lot, to stay aboard this craft for good and all.”

Project Gutenberg
The Submarine Boys on Duty from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.