Illustration Of The Method Of Recording Indian Languages eBook

Albert Samuel Gatschet
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 22 pages of information about Illustration Of The Method Of Recording Indian Languages.

Illustration Of The Method Of Recording Indian Languages eBook

Albert Samuel Gatschet
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 22 pages of information about Illustration Of The Method Of Recording Indian Languages.
ga[n][c][a]-biam[a].|N[i]aci[n]ga| [c]i[n]’  |[)i][n]’ta[n]| 
wished     they say.|   Person    |the mv. ob.|     now     |
[c][/e]ga[n]-biam[/a]. | I-first | I go | will| I who, | thought they say.
Ha[n]’ega[n]c[)e]’-qtci|p[/a]ha[n]-bi |ega[n]’|a[c][/a]-biam[/a].|
Morning        very|arose they say|having | went    they say.|
|C[)i]|[/e]gi[c]e|n[/i]kaci[n]ga| am[/a]
|Again|    it    |   person     |the mv.
happened                  sub.
am[/a].| trail | had gone, they say. | It came | he reached | to pass home they say.
| G[/a]-biam[/a]:|[k]a[n]h[/a],|w[/i]ta[n][c]i[n]|b[c][/e]      6
|Said as follows,|   grand-    |     I-first     |  I go
they say:         mother,
a[k][/i]daxe|ct[)e]wa[n]’|n[/i]kaci[n]ga|w[/i][n]’| a[n]’aqai | 
I make   | in spite   |    person    |   one   |  getting  |     
for myself    of it                               ahead of me
|a[c]a[/i] te a[n]’.|[K]a[n]h[/a],|u[k][/i]a[n][c]e 
|    he has gone.   | Grandmother |    snare
|h[)a].|[A]ta[n]| I make| will|I who,| and | I take | will| I who | . | Why | it him
|  you | should? |   said,
do it            they say
;ab[c][/e]|h[)a],| old woman |the | Person | I hate him | . | sub.
|[/a]-biam[/a].|K[)i]|mactci[n]’ge|a[c][a]-    9
|    said,     | And |   rabbit    |  went
they say.
[c][e]t[e]am[a].| they | Went they | when |again| trail | had gone. | say. say
|  And  |night | the |  waiting | lay they say.
a],|k[)i]|s[i]g[c]e| bow string | the | noose | he made it | and | trail | ob. they say,
|    went      | the | there | he put it
quo;-qtci|u[k][i]a[n][c]e|[c]a[n]| they say.| It came | morning very| snare | the | to pass ob.
|gi[t]a[n]’be|ah[i]-biam[a]. |[E]gi[c]e    12
|   to see   |arrived they say.| It came
his own                       to pass
uo;[c]i[n]-qtci|u[c][a]| sun |the cv.| taken | he had, | Running very| to tell| ob. they say.
a[n] |went homeward, | Grand- | what
Project Gutenberg
Illustration Of The Method Of Recording Indian Languages from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.