History of the English People, Volume II (of 8) eBook

John Richard Green
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 343 pages of information about History of the English People, Volume II (of 8).

History of the English People, Volume II (of 8) eBook

John Richard Green
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 343 pages of information about History of the English People, Volume II (of 8).

[Sidenote:  Hubert de Burgh]

His death at the opening of 1219, after a year spent in giving order to the realm, brought no change in the system he had adopted.  The control of affairs passed into the hands of a new legate, Pandulf, of Stephen Langton who had just returned forgiven from Rome, and of the Justiciar, Hubert de Burgh.  It was a time of transition, and the temper of the Justiciar was eminently transitional.  Bred in the school of Henry the Second, Hubert had little sympathy with national freedom, and though resolute to maintain the Charter he can have had small love for it; his conception of good government, like that of his master, lay in a wise personal administration, in the preservation of order and law.  But he combined with this a thoroughly English desire for national independence, a hatred of foreigners, and a reluctance to waste English blood and treasure in Continental struggles.  Able as he proved himself, his task was one of no common difficulty.  He was hampered by the constant interference of Rome.  A Papal legate resided at the English court, and claimed a share in the administration of the realm as the representative of its overlord and as guardian of the young sovereign.  A foreign party too had still a footing in the kingdom, for William Marshal had been unable to rid himself of men like Peter des Roches or Faukes de Breaute, who had fought on the royal side in the struggle against Lewis.  Hubert had to deal too with the anarchy which that struggle left behind it.  From the time of the Conquest the centre of England had been covered with the domains of great houses, whose longings were for feudal independence and whose spirit of revolt had been held in check partly by the stern rule of the kings and partly by the rise of a baronage sprung from the Court and settled for the most part in the North.  The oppression of John united both the earlier and these newer houses in the struggle for the Charter.  But the character of each remained unchanged, and the close of the struggle saw the feudal party break out in their old lawlessness and defiance of the Crown.

[Sidenote:  Order restored]

For a time the anarchy of Stephen’s days seemed to revive.  But the Justiciar was resolute to crush it, and he was backed by the strenuous efforts of Stephen Langton.  A new and solemn coronation of the young king in 1220 was followed by a demand for the restoration of the royal castles which had been seized by the barons and foreigners.  The Earl of Chester, the head of the feudal baronage, though he rose in armed rebellion, quailed before the march of Hubert and the Primate’s threats of excommunication.  A more formidable foe remained in the Frenchman, Faukes de Breaute, the sheriff of six counties, with six royal castles in his hands, and allied both with the rebel barons and Llewelyn of Wales.  But in 1224 his castle of Bedford was besieged for two months; and on its surrender the stern justice of Hubert hung the twenty-four knights and

Project Gutenberg
History of the English People, Volume II (of 8) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.